
Pillar Box Post


Website: pillarboxpost.com

When did you start out blogging?
I started blogging just over 3 years ago in the summer of 2009...which happened to be about 3 years after I resolved to start a blog!

How did you choose your blog name?
One of the (many) reasons behind starting a blog was to be able to share my life in London with my friends and family back in the US. I love mail, but life got in the way of correspondence and a blog seemed dual purpose to 'sending letters'. A pillar box is a British mailbox and is iconic for design, so it mixes my two loves and has a fabulous link to the 'posting' of daily letters–aka blogging. And now that I've moved to New York City, the blog allows all the people I left behind in the UK to see what I'm up to! So it's come full circle.

What is it all about?
It varies from post to post, but safe to say it covers our adventures from our homes in London or New York to our travels elsewhere...with design inspriration, interior decorating and projects all rolled in along the way.

Why did you start up the blog?
I have a quote hanging above my desk that says ‘ If you want to be interesting, be interested, ‘ which I really believe in…so in July of 2009, Pillar Box Post started as a place for inspiration as well as a chronicle of things that make me tick all whilst keeping in touch with those who are far away.

What do you do when you're not blogging?
I'm a graphic designer by trade and relentless project-maker. I am currently transitioning from agency world to starting my own design business– THIS week in fact, so it's all systems go. Oh, and is this the space to mention that my husband and I are bringing home a new puppy at the same time. I don't know the meaning of boredom that's for sure.

If you could be in one place in the world right now, where would it be?
After relocating to New York City from London last year, I'm feeling a bit homesick and would love to be back in our neighbourhood of Kensington – strolling through the quiet mews streets without a taxicab honk in earshot!

Who or what is your main inspiration?
Depends on the day, and the project...I'll seek out inspiration in a different place whether it's on dribble, a pile of clippings, other blogs or a visit to an Anthropologie store. There isn't a time I come out of there without vowing to become an oil painter, gardener, interior designer, fashion designer extradoinaire –and all in the next half an hour or I'll feel unsuccessful as a person. Needless to say that is still a work in progress...


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