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Myke Hamilton - #NaughtyToBeNoticed

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Campaigns to get you noticed

Social media has the power to connect people quickly. It’s also a fantastic leveller, creating communities and interactions that aren’t dependent on creatives’ experiences or geographical location.

When you combine this networking potential with the ability to showcase the visual element of creative work, you get a powerful showcase of British talent that stands to be seen by anyone, anywhere.

An example of a great success story is Myke Hamilton from Manchester. He created the Twitter campaign #NaugtyToBeNoticed to catch the attention of employers in the media sector in the North West. To get noticed by key industry players, Myke realised that he needed more than just a CV so he designed several innovative, double entendre postcards which cleverly represented his job search campaign.

• I'm so hard* Working
• I love to be tied up* In contract
• You'll love my 11.7 inches* Of CV
• Mercedes. Sarah. Ben. They said I was the best they ever had* References available on request
• Just ask and I'll whip it out* My pen to sign the contract
• What's your favourite position?* Mine's within your company
• It's set to vibrate* Probably why I didn't hear your call


Building a profile where it matters

Using his profile as a destination page, Myke posted the images online, instantly showing off his creativity to hundreds of users of the platform. In addition to his main aim of finding work, he was also able to effectively communicate a lot about his personality, style and values to potential employers.

Myke synchronised his profile with other social networks and with some help from Twitter, his creative campaign quickly reached influential people across the twittersphere – all of which were directed back to his Creativepool profile page.

One such person was businesswoman and famous retail branding expert Mary Portas. Within minutes of her retweeting Myke’s campaign, his Creativepool profile was viewed over 3000 times. Within hours, he had agencies contacting him with job opportunities and within two days, his profile had been viewed over 12,000 times.


Bringing likeminded creatives together

Myke's story is a great example of how powerful a creative idea can be when it’s presented visually and communicated via the right channels.
In today's fast paced creative industries, it’s vital that creative professionals have a destination where they can showcase their talent and have it seen by the rest of the industry. This works both ways though. In order to attract the best people, businesses also need to be more creative, showcase the work that they are producing and make the most of social networks to interact with today and tomorrow’s top talent.



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