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Member Spotlight: talking modesty and motivation with Muhammad Waseem

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Chasing your dreams can become quite challenging if you don't have the technological means to do so in today's world. This is what happened to Muhammad Waseem, self-taught creative and CGI artist who was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan.

A modest artist, Muhammad believes in the power of inspiration and in sharing ideas with other creatives around the world

We've had a nice chat with this humble professional to understand more about his creative process and place in the industry.


Where are you from and how did you get into the industry?

Born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan. As a self-taught artist, I was always a geek in Technology and Art. Growing up I didn’t have proper amenities to support my artistic brain. Pretty much every kid in the ’90s spent their leisure childhood in console gaming, outdoor sports or watching tv. As an introvert, my particular interest was in movies and specifically sci-fi movies. In early 2008, I realized my path was to follow my passion in the 3D Industry.

Where are you based now and who do you work for?

Currently, I am based in London, UK. My recent experience was working with MPC Film. They are known for creating stunning visual effects and animation, contributing the best among others in the VFX in the industry. At the moment I am working as a freelancer and open to opportunities that will allow me to grow further in the entertainment field.

Explain your creative style and process

My initial approach is to start anything simple and find references in nature, then breaking it down to forms and shape in order to create aesthetically and creatively appealing images. Along the process, Inspiration is a key factor! There is nothing wrong with taking references and sharing ideas from other creative artists around the world.

Please provide one sentence about your spotlighted work on Creativepool

My recent work “Orc Look Development” got featured on CreativePool. It was yet another educational project for myself. In this one, I explored my uncharted abilities to push my art farther than my previous projects.


How has technology affected the way you work (if at all)?

I would definitely agree that technology did affect, not just mine but generally the  workflow in terms of performance, speed and advancements in software. If we talk about the artistic side, then we can’t lean on technology as you develop skills by doing work and throughout you gain experience along the way.

What’s your secret to staying inspired and motivated?

Staying positive and focused is the biggest key reason for me to stay on track.
Getting inspired by other artists and getting critique keeps me motivated and boost my productivity. I love what I do as an artist, that’s enough for me to wake up every morning and start my day job.

If you weren’t in your current industry, what would you be doing?

It is very hard to say, but personally If I think myself not as a 3D Artist, then I would probably be a mechanical engineer as I am also a nerd in DIY Electronics.

What’s the work achievement you’re most proud of?

I think every project which I did has a different story and learning curve behind it. But the Guinea pig project was the coolest and the one I'm the proudest of so far for me. That project gave me a chance to work in a big scale VFX industry.

How do you recharge away from the office?

Sometimes a fun job can get boring by doing the same thing repetitively. Apart from the art, I recharge myself by giving time to my family, going for vacations and hobbies like making arcade machines and DIY woodwork.


What advice would you give to other aspiring creatives in the industry who are looking for commissions?

For the creative professionals who succeeded to turn your favorite occupation into a paid 3d artist job, you are among the few who made their dream come true! Learning how to make money as an artist is definitely possible, but it entails a lot of hard work and a long-term strategy. My advice is to keep yourself motivated, surround yourself with positive energy and find your specialty among other creative professionals to stand out.

What’s your one big hope for the future of the creative industries?

Opportunities for everyone who is willing to grow and upscale their game in the CG industry.


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