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From Up North


As a designer I spent heaps of time on the Internet, searching for inspiration for whichever project I was involved in. I created a folder structure on my harddrive where I stored the most inspiring pieces in various categories. Day by day the image bank grew to the point where it was very hard to scan trough the content in a good way. With a background as a web developer I started to sketch out a web based system to keep track of every thing. And then it struck me… If it inspires me, it might inspire someone else. So I built the system around my personal webpage and added a blog section on the site where I shared a bunch of great designs in a specific category. The blog section became more and more popular and after a couple of months I decided to give the blog a new home and it's own name. That's when From up North was born.

Twitter: @fromupnorth

When did you start out blogging?
I've been blogging for the past three years, and it all started as a side project on my personal portfolio site.

Why did you start up the blog?
As a designer I spent heaps of time on the Internet, searching for inspiration for whichever project I was involved in. I created a folder structure on my harddrive where I stored the most inspiring pieces in various categories. Day by day the image bank grew to the point where it was very hard to scan trough the content in a good way. With a background as a web developer I started to sketch out a web based system to keep track of every thing. And then it struck me… If it inspires me, it might inspire someone else. So I built the system around my personal webpage and added a blog section on the site where I shared a bunch of great designs in a specific category. The blog section became more and more popular and after a couple of months I decided to give the blog a new home and it's own name. That's when From up North was born.

How did you choose your blog name?
That was quite tricky. I wanted a .com address as the URL and I wanted it to be unique and relevant in some way. After hours and hours of testing I started to play with the word "North" since I'm from the northern parts of Europe. And then it just came. Design inspiration from up north. Yep, thats the one! Lets go!

What is it all about?
On From up North I present what I feel is really high quality designs that in someway inspire me as a designer. Everything is categorized so that it's easy to separate the various design fields.

What do you do when you're not blogging?
I have two passions in life; The first one is obviously design and the other one is cooking. So when I'm not behind the computer I'm most probably behind the stove experimenting with various flavors and textures.

If you could be in one place in the world right now, where would it be?
Hmm, that's a hard one. I've lived in Brisbane, Australia, for a while and absolutely loved it. But… I still have to say New York since it's such a Mecca for people in the creative and culinary world.

Who or what is your main inspiration?
In general, people who are driven by passion inspires the heck out of me. I strongly believe that passionate people can truly achieve what ever they set their minds to

What do you have planned for the future of your blog?
Im currently working on a complete redesign of the site to make it more unique, structured and optimized. The new site will have some new features as a image archive where you'll be able to search in the massive database of all the images ever published. And some other cool features that I'll keep secret for the re-launch.



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