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Dealing with burnout - How to recognise when it's all a bit too much | #MentalHealth

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Following a shock announcement last week, Nicola Sturgeon is stepping down as First Minister of Scotland. After serving in the role since 2014 the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party has said that the decision came as she felt she had less energy to give to the job, and wanted to spend more time with her family. 

During her speech, she also noted that leading Scotland through the Covid-19 pandemic and other challenges over the past few years, is one of the toughest things she had to do, with the weight of responsibility having taken its mental and physical toll on her. 

The announcement comes after Jacinda Ardern also announced her resignation from her role as Prime Minister of New Zealand last month, citing burnout and also not having ‘enough in the tank’ to do the job justice anymore. 

While experiencing burnout and mental exhaustion from a highly stressful role are not uncommon, knowing when things get too much can sometimes be hard to recognise. 

With this in mind, Martin Preston, Founder and Chief Executive at Private Rehab Clinic Delamere has explained signs to recognise when your job might be getting a bit too much and how you can manage how you are feeling. 

What are the key signs of burnout?


Burnout is recognised in three signs; feeling exhausted, negative feelings about your job role and reduced effectiveness. The key component to preventing burnout is identifying the symptoms as early as possible before the demand becomes too much, leading to depression. 

Feeling worn-out is quite normal, but it’s easy to recognise when you or a colleague are beginning to display symptoms of burnout.

Feeling exhausted 

Employees on the verge of burnout, due to either stress or increased workload, can begin to experience and display emotional and physical signs of exhaustion. 

People begin to feel a lack of physical energy, but they also develop feelings of being emotionally drained and depleted. A common sign of exhaustion is the lack of motivation to get out of bed in the morning, or day-to-day work life becomes more challenging than normal. 

Over-exhaustion and extreme tiredness can result in sickness among employees. The shortage of energy from burnout can lead to common colds and cases of flu. 

Feeling sensitive and irritable 

Aggressive behaviour is also a common indicator, this could be both within the workplace and outside of office hours. Irritable employees may experience a level of sensitivity and aggression towards their family, friends and colleagues. 

While everybody experiences some negative emotions within their job roles, it’s vital to recognise when these feelings are becoming unusual. 

Feeling unmotivated

Employees may begin to feel more socially withdrawn and find themselves disconnecting within the workplace. This could be recognised as not getting involved with colleague discussions, negative attitude towards work and slipping job performance. 

Changes to work motivation can lead to employees having additional days off or turning into work late. This is something employers should look out for before it becomes untenable. 

How can you deal with burnout? 


Recognising the three key signs are crucial, but there are five strategies and tools you can use to avoid burnout even before you’re burnt out. 

Find the root of the problem 

Burnout is a response to stress, increased working hours, changes to the work environment and increased workload. But finding where the issue has stemmed from can be beneficial in helping you deal with the situation. 

For example, if you are faced with unrealised working hours, it may be that you need to speak to your employer about decreasing your overtime and taking extended annual leave. 

Ask for help 

Getting external advice can give you a different perspective on the situation. Counselling can provide you with a solution to the problem before it develops and help you to discover what is causing the burnout you are experiencing. 

If counselling isn’t an option for you, reaching out for help to your friends and family during stressful times can benefit the situation. Your employer may also be able to provide you with the support you need. 

Eat a balanced diet 

Healthy body, healthy mind. Eating the right food, drinking water frequently and keeping a balanced diet is one step in the right direction. Foods are fuelled with natural vitamins and minerals that can give your mind and body a boost. 

Exercise and keep active 

Keeping active and regularly exercising can give you a physical and emotional boost. Take a short stroll during your lunch hour or spend 15-minutes stretching after work. You don’t need to hit the workout machines to feel motivated and enthusiastic, it’s as simple as heading outdoors for some fresh air. 

Correct your sleeping habits 

A lack of sleep or too much sleep can cause exhaustion and fatigue in the workplace, breaking out of this pattern can drastically improve your day-to-day mood and motivation. 

Drifting off at bedtime is a challenge for most people all around the world, during this unprecedented time. But there are simple ways you can improve your sleeping habits, try switching your nightly scroll on social media for a relaxing book or cut out coffee before bedtime. 


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