
A Day in the Life...Michelle Martin, Head of Production

Published by

Michelle Martin

Head of Production

Lola Post Production LTD

Visit Lola Post on IMDB

9am  –  Grab a coffee, switch the computer on, wait for a zillion emails to appear on my outlook, open the schedule and take a deep breathe before the day unravels...!

10am  –  Look at my to do list, finish anything that didn’t get done from the busy day before, the month before, the year before!  Check in with our Producers and the staff.

11am  – Catch up with our head of 3d and head of 2d...  have another coffee....

Midday  –  Log on to social media!  Check Lola facebook, twitter, linkedin, creativepool (of course!).  Check industry news on various sites to keep up to date with what’s going on. Ponder over what to have for lunch...

1pm  –  Enjoy a sushi box from Itsu for the 4th consecutive time this week....

2pm  –  Schedule in the new 10 episode T.V show starting next month.

3pm  –  Crew up.  Call freelancers to see if they are available next month to start on the new show.

4pm  –  Conference call with BBC1 confirming details, schedule and budget for new show.

5pm  –  Call with the British Film council to discuss international interest in the UK...

6pm  –  More interest .. A new client wants VFX for their commercial... deep breathe....

7pm - Time to think about going home... Drinks a movie or the gym...? Very rarely is it the gym these days...... 


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