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5 Minutes With... Steven Walls - Creative Director at Tomorrow People



"We listen, we create, we engage, we transform, we grow."

What do you actually do?
I am a creative director with over 10 years' experience of running a successful, digital and marketing agency. I'm someone who thrives on the challenge of a new brief, shaping and delivering fresh ideas and exceeding my client's expectations. I am passionate about all things creative and constantly looking for that next big challenge

What would you be doing if you weren't doing that?
Professional Golfer (am actually quite good at that)

How did you get started in the industry?
Left university and jumped straight in to it. I draw inspiration from anywhere and everywhere. Being aware of your environment for me is essential. I would love the chance to rebrand the city of Birmingham. It has been my local city for over 20 years and I have seen massive urban development during that time however I feel this positive approach to the city has not resonated through to the overall visual style and design of its identity.

What's your current favourite piece of creative work at the moment?
Dare's horror films for B&Q

What do you love about your job?
Being my own boss.

If you could give one piece of advice for someone starting out, what would it be?
Get a black book of contacts. A good creative director knows that, important as it is, designing is only one part of their job: the rest is about communicating; Finding out what the client really wants, articulating ideas simply, arguing points convincingly, explaining processes patiently and in terms which don't require the services of a UN interpreter – all of this should be part of the job description. Add to that willingness to compromise and an innate understanding of the phrase ‘time is of the essence' and you're in business.

If you have one Super power what would it be?
Fly up to the moon, and back to earth in one piece.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Feeling happy and content.

You have already worked with some amazing brands, who would you like to work with next?
I'm not overly caught up on the brand thing. As long as the brief is creative, challenging and enjoyable then I'm a happy man. It is two pronged; to consolidate our current client base through continual meeting and hopefully exceeding their expectations and drive the business forward through on-going marketing with the aim of attracting new clients.

iPhone or Blackberry?

Your favourite app?
Share price

Playstation or Wii?

Too Cool for School or too School for Cool?
Was anyone cool at school?

Facebook or Twitter?

Eat In or eat out?
Eat Out.

*Twitter: @creativebysteph
Twitter: @Tomorrow_People
LinkedIn: /stevenwalls 
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