
5 minutes with... Sophie Moore - Creative Partner at Flock


Paul Boag"First and foremost we’re a design and advertising agency. We look at our clients’ problems and solve them creatively."

What do you actually do?
A bit of everything as we’re a small but perfectly formed agency. I design. I project manage. I network. I wash up. The main chunk of my job is graphic design though and that’s how I like it.

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?
I’d be a visual merchandiser or a buyer for Liberty, retail heaven.

How did you get started in the industry?
I got an offer to join Navyblue after graduating from Northumbria Uni. It was a baptism of fire but I loved it and met some brilliant people, it gave me a warts and all induction into the industry that has proved invaluable ever since.

What’s your current favourite piece of creative work at the moment?
It changes on a day to day basis! I spend a fair bit of time on blogs so I’m constantly finding new and inspiring stuff, right now it would be the Blackpool Comedy Carpet by Why Not Associates. I’m a big fan of the work of UVA too.

What do you love about your job?
Definitely starting on a new brief and that excited/nervous feeling that comes with it. That and the fact that it’s acceptable to wear leopard print to the studio. I wouldn’t last five minutes in a “proper’ office.

If you could give one piece of advice for someone starting out, what would it be?
Become indispensable – make great hot beverages and don’t complain about having to do the donkey work. It’s well worth it in the long run. And be nice to people, manners cost nothing

If you have one Super power what would it be?
The power to change Edinburgh’s weather (although not today as it’s glorious!). 

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Not necessarily a what, more a who – I’d like to grow up to be Mary Portas! She’s a really positive example of a woman at the top of her game. Alternatively I’d like to be a richer version of myself.

What was your worst job and what did you learn from it?
It was being a waitress. I learnt that my talents lay elsewhere, I was endlessly enthusiastic but terrible and caused untold injuries with hot gravy.

You have already worked with some amazing brands, who would you like to work with next?
Any company with untapped potential but the desire to be bigger and more successful than they currently are.

Iphone or Blackberry?

Your favourite app?
Can I have two? Instagram and TeuxDeux. I love a good list.

Too Cool for School or too School for Cool?
I’m a nerd at heart so will go for the latter.

Facebook or Twitter?

Eat In or eat out?
Out, are you buying?

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Twitter: @flockthinks 
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