
5 minutes with... Robin Arnold - Creative Director at Baron



"Barôn are a branding and digital agency based in Bolton. We are a small team of award winning designers and developers who strive to create contemporary, intelligent design."

What do you actually do?
We are a small team so a bit of everything at the moment.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing that?
Making dance music

How did you get started in the industry?
After endless placements my first real job was for Ranch.
We shared a studio with Mark Farrow who has always been a big inspiration for me.
There was a lot of sexy, graphic, very trendy work going on around me, and it was exciting.

What's your current favourite piece of creative work at the moment?
The current graphic design for Bedrock records by Malone design

What do you love about your job?
The occasional moments of mild Euphoria

If you could give one piece of advice for someone starting out, what would it be?
Be prepared for the long haul. In the past it has taken me a year to find a job.

Make the most of the fact that you have total control of what goes into your portfolio. Unlike most formal qualifications like exams and degrees, we are in quite a privileged position that we can be constantly improving, updating, replacing our ticket to getting a job, our portfolio.

If you have one Super power what would it be?
X-ray eyes

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What was your worst job and what did you learn from it?
Working at Tesco. How to work a till after being up all night clubbing. 

You have already worked with some amazing brands, who would you like to work with next?
Fabric (nightclub)

iPhone or Blackberry?
What's a Blackberry?

Your favourite app?

Too Cool for School or too School for Cool?
Not cool enough to understand?

Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter. Facebook's on the way out.

Eat In or eat out?
Eat out. Fine food, fine wine!

Follow Robin:
Twitter: @designbaron
LinkedIn: /Designbaron
Visit the website


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