Brand Designer - Integrated

Featured job

  • Essex  
    London, United Kingdom
  • Company
    Engine Recruitment Ltd  
    Start date
    £30,000 to 41,000 per annum  
  • Closing date
    15 September 2024  
    Posted on
    15 August 2024  

I’m on the lookout for a Senior Integrated Designer with all the skills and experience to work within an established creative branding agency to work on varying international and UK based brands.


You’ll be creatively articulate, a senior level designer with a career gained within creative and marketing agencies. You’ll come with a folio that’ll evidence your skill and experience, it’ll need to demonstrate your conceptual design and storytelling abilities.

A strong ideation person with integrated experience required for all types of projects, not always conceptual, only when it’s required, but having the ability to articulate your ideas through cleverly formulated rationale. We need an intelligent, confident, hands-on creative experience and the skill to integrate and work collaboratively within a team, someone with the ability to draw on life experience and captivate your desired audience.

Here’s what you’ll need.

Creative brilliance…obviously!

A little smugness, only as required of course!

Mastery in Creative Suite…and supporting industry software products.

Fantastic tea brewing and coffee making skills, Yup, creative fuel!

Of course, all this needs to be backed up with the normal qualification, a Degree, and you’ll need all the obvious skills in Office, Outlook etc.

…we need a great communicator too, a wordsmith would be great, someone able to produce joined up creative - which also includes understanding the importance of typographic artistry.

What we’d need from you right now.

CV submission, an attached Folio/Book or whatever yours is, online, preferably as a personal website! A full breakdown of your salary and benefits including bonuses etc, hours you work, holiday allowance and anything else you can think of mentioning.

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