Displaying 1 - 36 of 4010 results



Online resources for better freelancing

Is it a good time to be a freelancer working at creative agencies at the moment? It's a question that seems to get very varied responses as everyone's situation is different, and the availability of work is spread unevenly across the disciplines this...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten business card designs

From the most intricate folding cardboard and metal cards to contact details printed on balloons, the humble business card has developed into an art form in itself. With different cards out there trying to stand out and grab your attention more so...

Posted by: Creativepool


Apple Store overhaul on the cards

The minimalist Apple Store design is set to get a major overhaul by senior vice president of design, Sir Jony Ive. The redesign comes at a time when the company are poised to launch their new Apple Watch, and when there is rife speculation about...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How-To: Choose the Perfect SMM Manager for Your Business

In today's digital world, where market competition intensifies every minute, social media marketing is a mandatory tool for attracting and retaining customers. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited resources, effective use of...

Posted by: Taker | Maker

Designing a Future-Ready Business with Cloud Services

The Digital Transformation Landscape As we navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are faced with the challenge of not just keeping up, but staying ahead. To thrive in this dynamic environment, organisations must become...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Happy World Book Day: Here are five books to read for business success

Today is World Book Day. Children across the country will receive vouchers to be spent on books whilst dressing up as their favourite literary characters - but those who have aged out of these festivities can still participate by celebrating their...

Posted by: Novagram


Diversity isn’t just good for PR: It’s good business #DiversityMonth

Diversity is so much more than a trend-it's a strategic imperative. For agencies, the challenge is no longer just about being politically correct or ticking boxes for corporate social responsibility; it's about building a more diverse and socially...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Nephology For Business, anyone?

Was fascinated by a TV programme the other evening, on the possible reasons behind why we’ve been experiencing some oddly ’stuck’ weather patterns in the last couple of decades. And yes, hooked because we really love to talk about the weather...

Posted by: Richard


Is Kim Kardashian a business genius or just really really famous?

Whether you love her, love to hate her, or are somewhere in the middle, there's no denying that Kim Kardashian is one of the most influential and successful women of our time. With an estimated net worth of over $1 billion, she's built an empire that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Business for a better world.

Harnessing the Power of Business for a Better World: The Intersection of Profit, Purpose, and ESG There is a growing realisation that businesses must do more than simply generate profits. They must also serve as a force for good and contribute to...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Defining Brand – The Most Misconceived Word In Business

When we launched a firm specializing in helping companies measure, build, and leverage brand and its equity to improve performance and increase returns, we knew naming the firm would be pretty important. After all, our name is our first impression....

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


Make business green again - Going green without greenwashing

Two-thirds of businesses in the UK have no kind of plan for sustainable operations. This is hardly a surprising statistic - in the current economic climate, enterprises across all industries are looking to reduce their outgoings and avoid any kind of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why bold design is good business

Design is a great differentiator. It can stop people in their tracks. Make them laugh. Bring them to tears. And even set your brand apart from the competition - if you dare to be bold. It’s important to understand what we mean by design. Too...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


5 smart ways to use social media to grow your business in 2022

The role of social media in marketing is usually underestimated only by those who have never dealt regularly with blogs or business pages. Simply put, if you are the owner of any new commercial organisation or you do anything that can generate...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Why you should care about business purpose in your workplace

About exactly 6 years ago, PWC published a study on the importance of purpose in the work environment. The multinational network highlighted the disconnect between claimed business purpose and the way business leaders operate on a human level. The...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Business goals and purpose are not incompatible

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a rise in popularity for brands who are more purpose-driven. The past year has shown us how important it is to have a purpose to which your customers can connect, one key message that can be described in one sentence...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The benefits of the employee-owned business model

It was just at the beginning of March that BrandOpus announced its shift to the employee-owned trust model. I welcomed the news with much enthusiasm, if anything because I love everything those guys do and believe an employee-owned model can only...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Facebook’s business model is in danger

Facebook made it quite clear that the company isn’t fine with Apple allowing users to opt out of personalised ad tracking with iOS 14. Of course, that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody. Some context first: Apple has officially...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


From freelancing to owning a business and beyond - #MemberSpotlight

In one way or another, freelance designer and creative Hiten Thaker has been in the creative industry for the best part of 20 years. A highly focused and entrepreneurial professional, Hiten has worked for a plethora of high-profile clients and you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Nick Lawton on running a family business

Low-skill roles can teach you a lot and leave you with tons of insights. One key takeout is definitely how to hate low-skill roles with a passion. Nick Lawton was lucky enough to do some cold-calling in London some time after uni, and that made him...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Emma Sexton on running your business in COVID times

Who would have thought, one year ago, that success in 2020 would be measured by the capacity to survive a pandemic? We know Emma Sexton as the CEO and founder of creative agency MYWW, founder of the Inside Out Awards, creative expert in residence at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How writing can help you grow your business and shape your world

Every brand needs a strategy. Without one, you have no clear path from where you are to where you want to be. It’s easy to waste time, and hard to make decisions, because everyone has a slightly different idea of what success looks like....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Small or large business? Where to start your creative career

Starting your career can be one of the most exciting times of your life. Many graduates have their hearts set on making their name in a global company, with Google, Facebook and Apple all ranking in the top companies that young professionals want to...

Posted by: Forward Role Recruitment


Why flexible working is good for creative business

Letting creativity reign in the workplace is key to establishing an engaged and innovative workforce, and it’s an even more important behaviour that needs to thrive in the creative industry. The challenge for companies is to figure out how they...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Get Unlikely Business Lessons from Mailchimp

Email marketing platform Mailchimp has launched a new original video series charting the success and failures of three very different entrepreneurs. Introduced through the company’s new business entertainment platform Mailchimp Presents and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why your business should invest in influencer marketing

With many businesses still reluctant to invest in influencer marketing, dispelling the misconceptions is the first step to unlocking its full potential. A recent study reported that 80% of marketers plan to continue or increase their influencer...

Posted by: Aaron Brooks


Why winning new business is difficult, misunderstood and vital

It may surprise some of you to learn that the job of creating new business opportunities within an agency, or any company for that matter, is the most difficult, misunderstood and vital. Here are three reasons why. Winning new business is...

Posted by: David Alexander


Top 3 new business tips for agencies

"Don't shoot where it is, son. Shoot where it's going to be." - Gangster Squad Many people who own agencies or small businesses are fully conversant with the product or service they offer, which is great and to be expected. The problem is that just...

Posted by: David Alexander


5 ways to go green and save your business money

Transforming a business into a more environmentally sound operation is becoming a prevalent trend across all industries today. Embracing sustainable, renewable energy sources is crucial in helping our planet in the fight against disastrous climate...

Posted by:

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