Displaying 73 - 108 of 270 results



What streams are made of...

I was just explaining to my 10 year old son about how, when I was his age, if you missed an episode of Doctor Who, you missed it. I mean, it was gone, you’d literally missed it. You couldn’t catch up, you couldn’t buy the DVD, you...

Posted by: Tony Pipes


12 unexpected graphic design trends to watch for in 2022

When everything is said and done, the graphic design trends of 2022 are a motley crew. Frasurbane and anti-design, escapism and grunge, doodles and parametric patterns are some of the themes explored. It's difficult to envision any of these diverse...

Posted by: Chris Bicourt


The big advertising shift towards purpose 

In 2015, audiences on social media platforms hit a critical mass. Brands suddenly needed to find a new way to speak to consumers. It seems unthinkable now that we all create thousands of video formats for single ad campaigns but it was a much simpler...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Death of the cool - What does "cool" really mean to Generation Alpha?

What exactly is cool and is it really still relevant in 2022? There’s something about the phrase itself that conjures images of contrivance and forced “attitude.” Think Sonic the Hedgehog circa 1992 or any MTV2 presenter ever (RIP...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Quality over quantity - The making of a modern Chief Data Officer

It’s a tough gig for Chief Data Officers (CDOs). With the volume and sources of data increasing, CDOs are increasingly tasked with centralising complex data sets and gleaning insights to support all areas of the business, from product...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Yellow and blue - The creatives keeping hope alive for Ukraine

It’s been almost a week now since Vladimir Putin did the unthinkable and plunged Ukraine into a war they didn’t ask for in a move that still feels like the megalomaniacal equivalent of throwing your toys out of the pram. It’s dark...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Jobfishing - The fake design agency that catfished 52 creatives

Everyone loves a good con story. You only have to see the success of the recent Anna Sorokin drama and Tinder Swindler documentary on Netflix to see how infatuated we all are with the seedy inner-workings of a good long con. But the latest big con...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Web3 will change the future of personal identity

From Greek philosophy all the way up to The Matrix, people have always been fascinated with the nature of reality, and now the metaverse is creating a brand new one. It’s a concept that’s been building momentum since it was first...

Posted by: Yonder Consulting


Making it in 2022... literally

As Christmas becomes a ghost of the past, the new year breathes down our necks with the guilt of resolution and the daunting blank page before us. My resolution is to make it in 2022 I’m not talking about fulfilling my career goals, getting...

Posted by: Tony Pipes


Check out the most mind-blowing print campaigns of 2021

If you’re among those who believe print is dead (or dying), you clearly haven’t seen the best print campaigns of 2021. Print is certainly far from dead, and in fact, it may stick around for a very long time still, in one form or...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Stop saying TV and print are dead

For some curious reason, we humans tend to get excited with novelty pretty quickly. We struggle to see past the innovation, and the most progressive of us (a lot of creative people are, to be fair) get carried away with some doomsday comments aimed...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


38,262 reasons why the future of content is long form

Have you scrolled through the Discover page on TikTok lately? Interesting and inspiring trends for sure - but as we know, TikTok only ever works well with very short content. Instagram and other social platforms have all followed the same route,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How anamorphic digital outdoor is redefining OOH

As technology progresses, the push for immersion and for a blended reality with our everyday screens is what will define most of the future trends in the advertising industry (and beyond). It started with VR and AR; now it's moving onto...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Dynamic Advertising can help fight ad fatigue

Context, context, context. As the cookieless future approaches, we will hear more about context and contextual advertising, be it location-based or else. In an ever-shifting brandscape triggered by the pandemic, the need for increased...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Forget VR – The future of advertising is Mixed Reality

Virtual Reality is now. If most of the advertising industry hasn’t jumped on the VR ship yet, you can bet we will soon - or at least, as soon as those incredibly expensive headsets become a bit more affordable (or attractive?) for the general...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Do You Really Know Where Your Audiences Are?

Is effective TV advertising a thing of the past? Audiences are fragmenting, viewers are spending time across a range of linear and digital devices, and brands are struggling to follow their consumers across the ever-growing multitude of...

Posted by: TVSquared


Word to the Winners of Annual 2020 - #AnnualSpotlight

To say 2020 was an eventful start to the decade would be a tremendous understatement. We've seen the industry come together even while apart, as a pandemic brought about one of the biggest social crises in the history of humanity and protests for...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Annual 2021: who will see your work this year?

Time is ticking! With the standard submissions deadline now out of the way, we are little more than two weeks away from the Annual 2021 final submissions deadline, on Thursday 10th June. The Annual is the Most Distributed creative industry award....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From a Commodore 64 to rebranding the Thunderbirds - #MemberSpotlight

Jason Ford is a freelance Brand & Design Director and former creative director at ITV with a proven track record of delivering award-winning, thought provoking creative. Everything Jason touches is underpinned by strong core ideas that amplify to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Creating the unexpected with the Media Director of Golley Slater

Reading a lot, setting up career goals, chasing the unexpected - this and more does Amelia Stevens to keep herself motivated on a daily basis. By her own admittance, Amelia believes she never really had a calling for what she wanted to do. All she...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Balancing distinction with familiarity - #MemberSpotlight

Have you ever heard of a no-waste designer? Creative Director of Misfit Creative Pete Brady might be a first. Pete believes that everything in design must have a purpose. There is no room for wasted space, no way that any part of a design may be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance musician/composer?

A guide to freelance music composition rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Musicians and composers set the mood of the stories we love and cherish the most in our hearts. Without musicians, horror films would...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

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