Displaying 217 - 236 of 236 results



Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Not 4U? How seventeen people put Channel 4 in OFCOM's bad books.

Channel 4 is in trouble with Ofcom. Not for a programme or an advertisement, but the juxtaposition of the two. The broadcasting regulator says the station broke their code on 26th December 2012 when they ran a commercial which gave the impression it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Re:cycling. Should Lance Armstrong hand his sponsorship money back?

by Magnus Shaw. In this age of fitness fanaticism and dire public transport, it's not unusual to see people arriving at the office on a bicycle. How they find the stamina, I can’t begin to guess, but I don’t think they take the Lance...

Posted by: Creativepool


The hardest word. Has 'sorry' lost all meaning?

by Magnus Shaw. Last weekend the BBC screened an episode of 'Tweenies' on their CBeebies channel and a minor fuss broke out. I should point out I don't watch CBeebies habitually and have never watched a complete 'Tweenies' show in my life - but I...

Posted by: Creativepool


Horsing around. How Tesco could turn a crisis into an opportunity.

by Magnus Shaw. If you're going to be rumbled loading beefburgers with something other than beef, try to ensure it's not horse. Oats would be better. Or sweets. But, not cat or hamster - and definitely not horse. As Tesco has discovered, people...

Posted by: Creativepool


Pillar Box Post

Website: pillarboxpost.com When did you start out blogging? I started blogging just over 3 years ago in the summer of 2009...which happened to be about 3 years after I resolved to start a blog! How did you choose your blog name? One of the (many)...

Posted by: Creativepool


Simon Pendry - Blue Marlin

"Blue Marlin is the home of landing big ideas, which are at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on delivering relevant, unique and consistent experiences across brand touch points worldwide. Blue Marlin is an independent integrated...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Help yourself. Is it ever okay to nick an idea?

by Magnus Shaw An enormous advertising company (Leo Burnett) and a small creative film company (Asylum) have had a difficult couple of weeks. It's a tangled tale but essentially Asylum produced a film for the McDonald's charitable foundation for Leo...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Sign here. Introducing the new freelance/client contract.

by Magnus Shaw Freelancing - it's a tough old game, eh? You don't know if you're coming or going half the time. Working in your jim-jams one day, sipping a latte in a la-di-da marketing agency the next. Occasionally you even miss "Cash In The...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Doing bird. Should Twitter be policed?

by Magnus Shaw In the early hours of this morning Dorset police arrested a 17-year-old boy. It's alleged he sent a tweet to Olympic diver Tom Daly which read "You let your dad down I hope you know that." Daly had finished fourth in the Men's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Unliked. Is the sheen coming off Facebook?

by Magnus Shaw When discussing Facebook, different rules apply. In Facebook's world, audiences, members, revenues and profits are measured on a macro-scale that dwarfs the figures bandied around in banking circles. A few statistics: -Users upload...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool


Winners and losers – BrewDog vs Diageo

The Emirates Stadium played host to this years Drum Marketing Awards. McCann Manchester and Aldi Stores continued to reap the rewards of their ‘Aldi Likes Brands’ campaign. After winning the Roses Advertising and Design Awards Grand Prix...

Posted by: Creativepool


Less than meets the eye

We've been spoilt. The delights of the modern media have ruined us. Our predecessors would have little or no idea what a polar bear was, let alone be presented with the vision of one giving birth to unbelievably sweet baby polar bears. But now, we...

Posted by: Creativepool

Strife is tweet - a top ten of Twitter scandals

1. Social sausage Anthony Weiner (oh the irony!) denied everything and blamed hackers (they always do), when a photo of his genitals was tweeted from his account and sent to a woman in Seattle. The problem was that Weiner, at the time, was one of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Postmodernism at the V&A

Hello dear blog readers. Apologies for posting this so late in the day but I have been out at the V&A Museum all afternoon trying to get my head around just what exactly Postmodernism is. Stupid though this may sound I managed to complete my art...

Posted by: Creativepool


Once Upon A Dream

I don't know about you, but I'm obsessed with sleep largely because I don't get enough. But if you're a regular traveller, and especially if you can't afford a business-class flat bed, then you may well suffer more than most with a wrecked internal...

Posted by: Creativepool


Social Media and Recruitment

Social Media Week took place in London during February. For those who don’t know, Social Media Week is an annual event which is run all over the world. There are live streams to view and hashtags to follow, so you can keep up with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


F1: We Have A Winner

There are few sports as glitzy and glamorous as Formula 1. It's like rock'n'roll without the drugs but with everything else. A multi-billion dollar industry with fast cars (er, obviously), dashing men in shades, 'pit babes' (apologies to the...

Posted by: Creativepool

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