Displaying 109 - 144 of 1217 results



Zero to virtual production hero in 14 steps

Virtual production has arrived with a bang. Big name producers - most famously for The Mandalorian - are filming with huge state-of-the-art LED walls as virtual backdrops, instead of going out on location. But you don't have to be Disney to create...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Putting the POP in pop culture with Hannah Gillingham | #MemberSpotlight

Hannah Gillingham is a UK based freelance digital illustrator and artist. Working with a conceptual approach to illustration, she creates painterly illustrations of her favourite characters from pop culture and design illustrated posters, exploring...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Under the microscope: Lessons learned from iconic British ads

TV is a huge part of everyday life, with iconic British soaps like Coronation Street and Eastenders still going strong today. Alongside these shows, certain British adverts have made a lasting impression on viewers. We all have memories of particular...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bowie: what can creatives learn from Moonage Daydream?

David Bowie was a true renaissance man - a musician, actor, writer, artist, producer and more. His creative influence resonates as much today as it did when he was ‘Ziggy Stardust’. How Bowie approached his creative life, his influences...

Posted by: Red Setter


How can I maintain brand relevance during uncertain times?

Evolving your brand to stay relevant, futureproofed and profitable is a key challenge for today’s business leaders. In this article, Carlo D’Alanno, executive creative director at design and technology agency Rufus Leonard, shares three...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A rallying cry for pubic hair justice | #BehindTheIdea

Gillette Venus from P&G has launched its latest salvo from Grey New York to de-stigmatize pubic hair. This month it premiered the song “It’s Time to Care (For Your Pubic Hair)” featuring female rapper Princess Nokia. The brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How we ate our own dog food and turned it into magic | #CreativeCaseStudy

The greatest creative departments are filled with exceptional talent. We use AI to match creative minds with the best briefs in the business - which is why our Chairman Sir John Hegarty observed that Genie could possibly be the greatest creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brand connection through storytelling | #BehindTheBrand

One of the challenges for any new business is for the work to establish a meaningful connection with it's potential customers. In some cases it makes sense to look no further than the surrounding community. Any business in a small community with a...

Posted by: Glenn Rummler



The average brand spends millions of dollars on marketing every year. For the big global brands, it's billions. "Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half" - US retail magnate John Wanamaker (1838-1922). These...

Posted by: Matt Batten


Honouring the next generation of boaters | #BehindTheIdea

The newly rebranded Discover Boating, the world's largest online resource and guide to recreational boating, has teamed up with the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and creative and media agency Cutwater to launch a campaign honouring...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Seeing the world differently with Virgin Atlantic | #BehindTheIdea

The first work for Virgin Atlantic created by Lucky Generals launched last month introducing the the new endline “See the world differently”, which acknowledges the travel industry is entering a new era. The campaign is headlined by a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Has Gen Z become too trigger happy for old school advertising?

Does anybody remember actively looking forward to the adverts? I do. We’re talking about the halcyon days of the mid-90’s here, when TV advertisements were proper events that sent shockwaves across the playground. Today, it’s only...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Blockbuster video - Shining the #CompanySpotlight on Swhype

Swhype is a UK-based company that declares itself an “end-to-end” video agency - a video production company, animation studio and creative agency rolled into one. That’s a lot of hats to manage and we want know how they balance...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Letting those WOW moments speak for themselves | #BehindTheIdea

In its first work from Lucky Generals, car selling service carwow aims to “fill the lives of car owners with massive moments of WOW” (delivered by a huge inflatable “WOW”) as they see how much they can sell their car for....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Next generation marketing: how to play in the Metaverse

A new digital era is on the horizon as the metaverse evolves from sci-fi concept into reality. While online channels have been the driving force of connectivity between businesses and consumers over the past couple of years, many are now...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How one global photography competition found the beauty in concrete

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has today announced the winners of its ‘Concrete in Life 2021’ global photography competition, which celebrates the beauty, importance, and sustainability of concrete - the most widely...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creativity v automation: Why the benefits outweigh the barriers

The automation of specific functions has been met with two dominant barriers: one being the perception that only humans can do ‘creative’ tasks, and the other is the fear of humans being replaced by machines in a cost-saving exercise. If...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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