Displaying 1 - 36 of 5227 results



It’s okay if you don’t want that six-figure freelance life

‘How I became a six-figure freelancer’. ‘The reality of being a six-figure freelancer’. And perhaps the worst of all: ‘Here’s exactly what I do every day to earn six figures as a freelancer’. You’ve...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Agency v freelance. Better pay, better work or better life?

Years back it was said that creative people that chose to go freelance were either too old to be considered for full-time employment or simply not good enough to cut it in a top agency. In those days, I’m going back to the 80’s here, the...

Posted by: Creativepool


10 client red flags every freelance creative should be aware of

With the hustle of the growing gig economy, freelancing has become the go-to avenue for many professionals. It’s that enticing dance between work-life balance and chasing one's passion. But every dance has its missteps, and freelancing is no...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What is freelance success to you?

Whether you’re a freelance 3D artist, graphic designer, illustrator or writer - really, no matter your daily occupation, you will sooner or later be forced to measure your performance. Yes, the flexibility and freedom of freelancing are hard...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a Freelance Animator?

A guide to animation rates, with tips and advice from an experienced professional in the industry Animators are extremely fascinating professionals, often with a broad skillset and a full range of incredible ideas. They work with static images to...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


5 healthy freelance habits to keep even after the pandemic

Freelancers had an interesting year. Alongside events and production, the freelance industry was the most hit and the one that took some of the hardest blows - especially when certain governments started to ignore their needs. With the wave of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


#MemberSpotlight on freelance graphic artist Andrea Calsolaro

How did you get into the industry? I've grown up surrounded by creativity, raised in a family deeply rooted in the arts. My father, who started out as a street artist and then as an actor, had such a strong artistic influence on me as a child and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on freelance writer and director Katerina Sfaellou

How did you get into the industry? I started on the corporate side of things many years ago, working on events and marketing activation campaigns. But I always wanted to be hands-on and combine my communications degree with the more creative side of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on freelance animator Peter Shaw

How did you get into the industry? From watching too many cartoons as a kid, honestly! As a teenager, I saved up for a Wacom tablet and started experimenting with making my own animation in Flash and Photoshop. Later, when I studied animation at the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on freelance graphic designer Harriet Hamilton-Jones

How did you get into the industry? I knew from when I was around 14 I wanted to be a graphic designer, someone came into my school and did a graphic design class, based on drawing in perspective, after that class I knew that’s what I wanted to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance furniture designer?

As a freelance furniture designer, determining your rates is a crucial aspect of running a successful business. Setting the right pricing ensures that you are compensated fairly for your creative skills, time, and effort. However, it can be a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on freelance art director Anna Karoline Mueller

How did you get into the industry? When I was 18, I was lucky enough to meet someone working in the industry while on vacation in Portugal. We were driving around town and he pointed to a poster he had designed, and I was drawn to the idea of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can You Be a Successful Freelance Creative as an Introvert?

Freelancing has become an increasingly popular choice for creative professionals in recent years, particularly in the years following the pandemic. I’ve been freelancing for over a decade now and the freedom to work on diverse projects, set...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How much should I charge as a freelance packaging designer?

Packaging design is a critical aspect of product development, and it plays a vital role in the success of any brand. A skilled packaging designer has the ability to create packaging that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on Freelance Director & Cinematographer Louis English

How did you get into the industry? Movies played a big part in my childhood. I would have Disney marathons with my sister and watch the classics on TCM with my dad. As a kid it was a big deal to go to the cinema, so I never took the experience for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on Belgian freelance illustrator Steven Van Hasten

How did you get into the industry? As soon as I could hold a pencil I started drawing on every surface. All my studbook, walls of my parental home, tables… nothing was safe. I never wanted to do anything else. They were therefore happy when I...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on freelance designer and illustrator Kimberly Carpenter

How did you get into the industry? Creativity and image making pulls at me like a magnet. I’ve tried out other paths but it’s the only thing that I feel like I truly connect with. When I was a kid I was obsessed with all the illustrated...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance motion graphics designer?

As creative filmmakers and video producers expand both their imaginations and their budgets for impressive technology and design, skilled motion graphics designers are essential. Motion graphics designers, sometimes just called motion designers,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance fashion designer?

In fashion, money talks. Indeed, there is literally millions to be made if you know the right people or are somebody’s son or daughter. But for the rest of us starting out in a fashion career from the very bottom with no real guidelines to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance events designer?

Now that the pandemic has gently receded into the background hum of everyday life, the events sector has finally started to come back to life. Indeed, we recently celebrated a pretty spectacular event ourselves with our 2022 Annual launch earlier...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bringing dreams to life with Izabel Ciesinska | #MemberSpotlight

“From my earliest days in the crib, I longed for nothing more than to look at pictures and draw them.” These are the words of this week’s Member Spotlight honouree, Izabel Ciesinska, an illustrator who might very well have been born...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Do you have the most profitable freelance job?

What are the most profitable creative freelance jobs? Some will be quick to answer - and most of you would be right. When we think about making money with creative jobs, it’s hard not to think of web developers, copywriters, product designers -...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a Freelance Art Director?

A guide to Art Director rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry In the advertising world, Art Directors are the hand of creativity. They are responsible for what commercial campaigns look like, they oversee...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Behind the life of a talented cartoonist - #MemberSpotlight

Clearly, being a cartoonist isn't for everyone. It requires mastery of a certain style, a flair and a very peculiar sense of humour. Simon Ellinas certainly has both. Born with a pen and pencil in his hands by his own admission, Simon has been...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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