Displaying 73 - 108 of 4992 results



How to maximise your inbound marketing impact with web scraping

Interested in magnetizing customers to your website? According to Andrius Palionis, VP of Enterprise Sales at Oxylabs.io, ethical web scraping - the process of extracting valuable marketing data from public website pages - is one of the most powerful...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How has influencer marketing changed in the last five years?

Alicia Van der Meer, digital marketing manager of Monumental, explains the evolution of influencer marketing in the last five years, with insight into how brands can get it right. With personal accounts from today’s influencers, Alicia dissects...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brands built on purpose: Is purpose-driven marketing always a plus?

Purpose-driven marketing. Purpose-driven brands. Purpose-driven products. These days, it seems the industry is powered by purpose. Which is hardly a surprise, with poll after poll suggesting customers want to buy from brands that are more socially...

Posted by: Woven Agency


The changing world of content marketing

The content marketing landscape is continuously transforming; since the digital revolution, the way we generate and consume content is evolving almost daily. The pandemic has also been a strong influence in recent years, advancing our interactions in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


3 budget mistakes you’re probably making with your marketing

Picture this: you’re launching a new product or service and have the right marketing strategy in place for your website, branding and design, but when it comes to keeping the momentum going once it’s out in the world, you’ve run out...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why great content starts with sales and marketing alignment

In many B2B organisations, the revenue stream is owned by the sales department. This leaves the sales team on the front lines using content the marketing team has created to close deals and engage prospects. However, more often than not, the content...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How generative AI will transform our approach to marketing | #TechMonth

Up till now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the world of marketing has largely been centred around using algorithms to make decisions or analyse data. Now, however, we are seeing real breakthroughs in AI successfully performing jobs that humans...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Streaming kings - The growing power of influencer marketing on Twitch

Matt Woods, CEO and founder of influencer marketing agency AFK Digital explains the power, potential and reach of influencer marketing on Twitch. Twitch is known as a live-streaming platform for gamers, however its growth over the last number of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Influencer marketing and protecting brand values | #PurposeMonth

Influencer marketing has become a commonly used alternative to traditional advertising and a great way to increase brand awareness and consumer reach in an authentic way. Although this can be extremely useful and cost effective in building your brand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Which 5 design trends are most useful for marketing in summer 2022?

It is never too late to include design into your marketing plan, especially in the context of a new season. Here are five of the most promising design ideas for summer 2022 (with examples) to assist your organisation in meeting and crushing its...

Posted by: Chris Bicourt


Going with the virtual flow - Top marketing trends of 2022

The marketing industry is always evolving and, as a result, the average consumer expects more and more each year. Every day, a new idea is put through its paces to entice customers and encourage them to make a purchase. The brands that refuse to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#AllAboutTheData - How web scraping can empower marketing

There’s a lot of buzz and excitement around the combination of digital marketing and web scraping. Data has always been the driving force behind marketing strategies, so the arrival of something that can gather external data was always going to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to deliver a successful live event social media strategy

Many industries had to move their entire networks online overnight in March of 2020, however, there is no doubting the impact a well-run live event can have for brands of all shapes and sizes. However, with all COVID restrictions having now lifted,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How less data can mean more success in B2B marketing

For years, the marketing industry has relied on an abundance of data insights to drive marketing strategy and campaigns. As marketers, there was a time when we were spoilt for choice with data opt-in as standard, third party cookies and even...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why the future of marketing is long-form storytelling

It is known that viewers retain 95% of what they watch on video. Brand videos are a powerful tool for any marketer out there - a medium with which audiences resonate now more than ever. There is an opportunity out there for marketers wanting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What does the end of cookies mean for marketing data insights?

Cookies are crucial to understanding customer behaviour online, but in recent years, having to accept or reject cookies has become somewhat of a nuisance for the average online user. Also, one can argue they're not exactly the best for privacy. In a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to make your reduced marketing budget work harder

As the coronavirus crisis continues to hit cash flows, force redundancies and cause disruption to normal business operations, thousands of companies across the UK are currently operating on reduced marketing budgets. Though putting marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Getting around the danger of click bots in digital marketing data

With an overabundance of noise reaching out to customers every day, marketing needs to be relevant and aim for quality to stand out among the sea of competitors. Which can only be done by improving customer experience across all platforms. However...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The top qualities of a successful marketing leader

We’ve seen all sorts of scenarios and an abundance of different situations in the past year. In all of these cases, the best brands in the eyes of the public were the ones showing compassion, empathy and care. In short, the most human. You...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


A look at influencer marketing and dating brands

Influencer marketing is on the rise, as influencers prove to be one of the most effective marketing tools in the era of social media. These inspiring social figures can attract hundreds of thousands of followers, bringing a wide array of benefits to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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