Displaying 1 - 36 of 9386 results



5 Ways to Diversify Your Freelancer Income as a Creative #PurposeMonth

Being a freelancer in the creative industries can be equal parts exhilarating and terrifying, particularly with AI now potentially changing the playing field for so many of us. For me, freelancing offers the freedom to only accept the work I...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Opinions - Who cares what you think, Mr. Freelancer?

by Ashley Morrison There are a great many perks to being a freelancer (if you’re regularly employed, obviously). A lot of variety, regular change of scene if you work on site for multiple clients, working days to suit your personal schedule,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Should I Work Over the Holidays as a Freelancer? #HolidaysMonth

Christmas is something of a mixed bag for me and has been ever since I made the decision to go freelance almost two decades ago now. On one hand, everyone else if off work so it’s tempting to take the opportunity to cool the jets for a week or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Freelancer vs Studio

Here’s a question: how did you decide whether to run things as a freelancer or a design studio? This is something I’ve often pondered, and the subject was raised again recently by a friend of mine, where we discussed the pros and cons of...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


The best locations in the world to be a freelancer

With the rise of remote working, more people are now working independently from all corners of the world. Globally, there are 35 million digital nomads - many of which are working for themselves as freelancers. As freelancing becomes increasingly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here’s how you can still enjoy Christmas as a freelancer

We’re little over a month away from Christmas, but to a freelancer, the holidays must hardly feel like holidays anymore. It’s been almost two years since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, and whilst I can only hope business has gone back...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a freelancer?

So you’ve decided you want to go freelance. Congratulations! Choosing the freelance life is a huge decision and I’m sure you didn’t take it lightly. Of course, autonomy and independence comes at a certain price; and that price, you...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Freelancer Grind: Managing your finances

Okay, so this is a tough one for most people to be honest, but as a freelancer, this is very important. You don’t know when your next paycheque is coming in and have to do your own accounts. When you set up as a freelancer, you have three...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Networking

Networking is separate to finding clients because it’s not really about getting work, but meeting people. I know personally how hard this can be, being an awkward dude with a shit ton of anxiety. Talking to strangers is tough, but you’ll...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Returning clients

80% of your work comes from 20% of your clients. Returning clients are what will keep you in business and constantly working. So, be sure to keep good relationships with the people you have previously worked with so your phone is always...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Invoicing

Okay, so now the job is done, it’s time to invoice and get that money! Although you might think this is the easy part, sadly it’s not always the case. Staying on top of payments is important in making sure you get paid, on time, and...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Guide: Being on the job

I wasn’t too sure whether to make this an article or not. But, I’ve learnt the importance of having a professional attitude to your work and relationship with your clients. This can be as simple as emails! No slang or abbreviations...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Guide: How to find clients

Finding clients, or ‘new business’ is tough. They are often like buses, you wait ages for one, then all of a sudden two or three arrive at once. This is evident more so for creatives, as we are not very tuned to the business side of...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Setting your rate

So, this is a tough one and something I've struggled with for years. There are a few different ways of applying a fee for your services. You can set a day rate, which is most common, basically saying how much you want to charge a day, and then times...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Making a clean and simple résumé

This is a tough one, as for the longest time I didn’t believe in having a résumé as a designer. I still kind of believe that, as I think you should only really judge a designers work based on their portfolio. However, as I got more...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Creating an eye-catching portfolio

You need a strong online portfolio to be able to make a good impression on prospective clients. Many designers I meet have weak portfolios and wonder why they don’t find work. Your portfolio showcases you as a designer, your skills and...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


The Freelancer Grind: Understanding your role as a freelancer

I'm Hashmukh and I’ve been a freelancer since 2013. I’m a motion designer and 3D illustrator working in advertising. I’ve had the privilege to work with a range of clients and brands, big and small. Born and bred in east London,...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


How To Become A Creative Freelancer

Are you interested in becoming a freelancer in the creative field? Freelance work is not for everyone but if you're looking to make extra money on the side or take on running your own business full time, hopefully this will get you started with what...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


The Freelancer Event of the Year: National Freelancers Day 2017

June 8th is going to be a big day in everyone’s calendars, but for freelancers in particular. That’s because it’s not just the general election, it’s also National Freelancers Day! So book your tickets, drop off your ballots...

Posted by:


From Freelancer to Business Owner: How do you get there?

We’ve advised and helped many candidates make the switch from a permanent position to freelance when the right thing has come along and vice versa. We’ve previously shared some first hand advice for both, the switch from freelance to...

Posted by: ADLIB


How to find work as a freelancer

One of the most important things you’ll ever learn as a freelancer is that you’re never unemployed, you’re self-employed. You provide a service which means you’re a business and you work for that business. Like any business, you won’t get...

Posted by: Boox


Lessons from a freelancer

I was a human rights worker, specialising in gender and conflict in West Africa, when my first book was published. The freelance life appealed to my sense of adventure, so I tendered in my resignation. Here, in no particular order, are the lessons...

Posted by: Creativepool


The four things you need to be a successful freelancer

At some stage in your creative career you will reach a point when you pass beyond the world of corporate employment. For some people, the desire to 'do your own thing' happens early on, while others need longer before they feel they can cut it in...

Posted by: Creativepool


#MemberSpotlight on freelance designer and illustrator Kimberly Carpenter

How did you get into the industry? Creativity and image making pulls at me like a magnet. I’ve tried out other paths but it’s the only thing that I feel like I truly connect with. When I was a kid I was obsessed with all the illustrated...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The 5 best freelancing tools for creatives in 2023

Being a freelancer often means working alone and working alone means relying on your own wits and the right tools. For a creative freelancer, those tools will, of course, depend on the role you’ve built for yourself. You’ll rarely hear of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A freelancers guide to keeping your data secure

As freelancers, we sometimes have to deal with client data and the issue of cybersecurity often seeps into our consciousness. Because if that data is compromised while in our possession, it’s ultimately our fault, right? And who want to hire a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A glimpse behind the veil of Sound Design | #MemberSpotlight

Most of the pictures you'll see of Volker Armbruster below picture him in his studio or next to a piano. We believe it is for a good reason. We have no trouble imagining that Volker would rather spend time in his studio making some beautiful music...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Mark Harfield's Long-Lasting Love for Art

Mark Harfield wants to be like Pierre Soulages, Al Hirshfeld or Jean-Jacques Sempé. He wants to keep loving art for the rest of his life, and work hard enough to keep creating in his twilight years - perhaps as he enjoys some nice travel across...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Getting to Know… Hnry's James Fuller

In three years, Hnry has become Aotearoa New Zealand's fasted growing tax agent and happily calls itself your 'financial sidekick'. It's an ideal option for freelancers as it provides all your invoicing, payments, expenses and tax services in one...

Posted by:


The Most Important Soft Skills Freelancers Need to Develop

You’re an expert in your respective field and you’re confident that a stellar freelance career lies ahead of you. I know the feeling because I’ve been there. Freelancing gives you a lot of freedom and hope in the very beginning. While this is...

Posted by: Laura Buckler

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