Displaying 433 - 438 of 438 results



Meet Andy Hayes (Part 1)

Andy has over 18 years' agency experience, mostly in project management and co-leads one of the design teams at The Partners. Or rather, he did, because in a few days he'll be saying a tearful goodbye to everyone, including his wife and family, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Feathering the nest

Would you like to own Twitter? I'm not selling it or anything, so don't reach for your cheque book just yet. But if you were richer than golden syrup, I'm guessing you might be tempted. Only, here's a note of caution Twitter has yet to make a penny...

Posted by: Creativepool


Inspiration - where are you?

Getting paid to be creative is for the most part, brilliant. You get to run down the deepest rabbit holes of your imagination, retrieve the most far fetched and wildest ideas and then present them to the wider world. There are other perks such as not...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet John Simmons

This creativepool blog is a great way to find out more about the people who work in the creative industries and hear how they do what they do. My plan is, every two weeks, to chat with lots of different creative people from around the world. Today...

Posted by: Creativepool


Visions in VR: What has E3 2017 told us about the future of VR gaming?

Considering what a big year it had last year, VR was remarkably thin on the ground at E3 2017. Yes, VR has been largely absent from the show floor, save for a few niche booths and afterthoughts. Now that the three main gaming headsets are out in the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Opinions - All in the name

by Ashley Morrison In the past, we bloggers at Creativepool have given our opinions, advice and guidance, whether you asked for it or not! Hey, that's blogging for you. The internet is a free-for-all where anyone can purport to be an "expert", but...

Posted by: Creativepool

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