Displaying 1 - 36 of 455 results



Creative Opinions: The Snap UK General Election

When Theresa May announced yesterday morning (18 April, 2017) that it was her intention to hold a snap general election in the UK on June 8 (a move that was since validated earlier today by a vote of 522 to 13), the UK media did what it always does....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


WPP snap up Element Marketing Group for Ogilvy CommonHealth

WPP announced yesterday that they have agreed to acquire Element Marketing Group (EMG) on behalf of Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide (OCHWW). EMG is a leading market access agency in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and will rebranded as Ogilvy...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Snap decision - why Facebook bought Instagram

Last Sunday Facebook surprised the world. Without waiting for their market flotation later this week - and like a big shot investment banker casually ordering the 1900 Cristal Brut - the social network laid down $1b in cash and stock to acquire...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Transmedia Opportunity for Games

Written by the Strategy team at Waste Creative. Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Barbie, Lego… we watch their movies and shows, read their comics, collect their merch and in many cases, play their video games. They’re the epitome of something called...

Posted by: Teodora Miscov


Augmented Reality: Supercharging consumer attention

Claudia Mastromauro, VP of Sales, Strategy & Operations, UK, Aryel Global attention spans are rapidly dropping, with the average attention on a screen falling from two and a half minutes in 2004 to 47 seconds in 2023. The average internet user is...

Posted by: Aryel


What goes into designing the first 100% paper poppy? #BehindTheIdea

The Royal British Legion's 2023 Poppy Appeal launched last week with an appearance on BBC Breakfast that introduced the new 100% paper, fully recyclable poppy designed by Matter, and created through a collaboration of British partnerships. These...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The World’s First Augmented Performance Agency #CompanySpotlight

It’s one of those ideas that you’re amazed nobody had before. Will Scougal, however, was the one to finally give it wings as the Founder and MD at Make My Day. The idea in question was using augmented reality to bring brands into...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A new kind of storytelling: harnessing immersive AR in the Metaverse

There are multiple factors behind any paradigm shift, but consumer behaviour is arguably one of the biggest for marketing. When audience habits and mindsets change, so too must the way marketers consider and approach their communications. As demand...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Sending love to the Tin Man this Christmas | #BehindTheIdea

An Post, Ireland’s national postal service, launched a magical new creative campaign this year to demonstrates the importance of sending love to your nearest and dearest this Christmas. Taking inspiration from ‘The Wonderful Wizard of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Lost and found - Rediscovering the sound of smiling

I’m a bit OCD, so I have specific pockets for everything: keys, wallet, phone, gloves, notes, tissues. And I think losing things is a bad omen. Which is why the last time I lost my keys I refused to go on holiday the next day. My wife,...

Posted by: Chris Turner


Bringing plant-based beats to life through TikTok | #BehindTheBrand

Plant-based snack brand Harvest Snaps and digital creative agency of record Cutwater have teamed together to bring to life a music-driven TikTok branded effect designed for college students throughout the US. The branded effect, entitled “Snap...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Future imperfect

Had a walk around the famous (well, it is, sort of) Park Hill estate in Sheffield and up close you can understand why the rehabilitation of this maligned solution to post-war housing is such a success. The superstructure is a designer’s dream...

Posted by: Richard


News to me - What does the news really need to look like anyway?

In ‘hold the front page’ news, the pundits on BBC Radio 4 offered that the race to choose this country’s next leader might well be decided by an electorate whose primary source of news - and so opinion - is still newspapers. That...

Posted by: Richard


Would you buy a meme for $560,000?

If you love kittens and have been around the internet for a while, you know about cryptocurrency and the rise of NFTs. Spelled out as Non-Fungible Tokens, NFTs are a new form of bitcoin that is being discussed extensively in the creative industry and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Ultimate and Comprehensive Guide to Freelance Tax

In 2015, nearly 40% of the UK’s self-employed workforce did not file their taxes by the HMRC deadline. That accounts for over 890,000 freelancers in the UK, who all faced a £100 late fee. The mere thought of taxes is often nightmare fuel...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Top 25 most inspiring creative inventions and products of all time

When you look at the history of product design and the greatest innovations of all time, it’s hard to ignore how a large amount of incredibly amazing inventions have all started popping up rather recently. The golden age of innovation and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Stealing The Mona Lisa

Every year the Mona Lisa is visited by around 10 million people. All clambering to get a look at that famous smile, walking past other great works of art that adorn the walls like they are strangers in the street. It's La Gioconda they want to see....

Posted by: Tony Pipes


You are designing tomorrow’s rubbish

It was just a few months ago, in February, that the AF&PA (American Forest & Paper Association) released a comprehensive research document in which it surveyed a number of paper mills around the US, offering then some guidelines on how to make more...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


A view on the next ten years in Experience Marketing

You could say that after this year, only a fool would attempt to predict anything about the future. But, foolhardy or not, we can look at the direction of travel of the biggest drivers of change and make some inferences from that. After all, as Bill...

Posted by: Imagination


Hybrid experiences will come of age in 2021

2020 was the year that brands were compelled to engage with the world of blended physical and virtual experiences, also known as hybrid experiences. The learning curve was steep for many, with a huge variation in quality and creativity. However, the...

Posted by: Imagination


Why celebrating success can motivate and disrupt a team

With Boris promising to ‘bung a few bob so that Big Ben can bong’, (which is surely the British entry to the Eurovision Tongue Twister contest), I thought it might be interesting to see how celebrating success can motivate or disrupt a...

Posted by: JSR Content


Behind the Idea: Bringing politics home for the BBC

With the 2019 general election fast approaching in the UK, the BBC has launched a promo for its coverage leading up to 12 December. Created by BBC Creative, the film puts the power in voters’ hands by showing a diverse range of families across...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: 8 sobering stories for the NZ Transport Agency

Drinking? Don’t drive. That’s the message in a recent spot launched by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) to deter Kiwi guys from getting behind the wheel after a few beers. Research shows that 85% of drink drivers involved in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Account wins this week

Tribal Worldwide gets social with AT&T Tribal Worldwide, a division of DDB Worldwide and Omnicom, has been selected by telco AT&T to run its corporate social media account, effective immediately. Tribal will service the business out of its...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 Reasons Why You Want to Instagram in our Lounges

London is full of Instagram-able spaces, but it’s often rare to find somewhere where you can work and snap at the same time. Well, that’s exactly what we’ve done with our exclusive designer lounges. We have filled them with quirky...

Posted by: JJ Media Group


Account Wins of the Week

Snap LDN - Good Hemp SNAP London has been appointed lead creative agency for Good Hemp and will be working on the immediate launch of their new chilled milk product into key retailers. Good Hemp was founded by Glynis Murray and Henry Braham in 1998,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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