About us

Social Circle simplifies influencer marketing for brands and agencies of any size, fostering meaningful relationships between Influencers and Brands. We deliver amazing Influencer Marketing campaign results, and keep creators at our heart.

Use our self-serve Saas platform to identify, verify and evaluate over 50,000 relevant creator partners. Our unique Value Calculator measures weighted engagements so you can calculate fair prices for your campaigns and talent based on our data and expertise.

Alternatively, if you'd like a trusted specialist to run your campaigns from start to finish, then perhaps our Managed Service is for you. With our Managed Service, we will work closely with you throughout the entire process, so you can focus on the big picture, leaving the detail to us.

Whatever you want to achieve from Influencer Marketing, whatever your budget, however you like to work,

Social Circle can help


Influencer Marketing

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Creativepool member since 20 April 2018