About me

I have been working as a storyboard artist for the past year and have been illustrating for over a decade, working mainly from my home studio and various locations in London and Edinburgh. Drawing is my passion, and as an illustrator I have worked with bands, festivals, clothing brands, promoters, tattooists, publishers (Hot Rum Cow magazine; PPA Scotland), and on commissions for private clients.

I started out by boarding commercials for director Daniel Wolfe and production company Somesuch. My time working with them has inspired me to pursue a creative career as a storyboard artist. To date, I have worked on commercials and music videos, and plan to expand this portfolio to film and TV. Recently released projects for Somesuch include commercials for Libresse, Stormzy, Visa, Mini Gatorade and Audi. Upcoming releases include a commercial for carling and music video for a London based artist (due late 2017) more details soon.

My process for storyboarding varies depending on the client. I am just as happy working with traditional pencil and paper as with digital tools like photoshop and cintiq - and usually combine the two.


concept design, Illustration, illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Storyboarding

Sector Experience

Advertising, Music, Television


Great Guns, Park Pictures, Somesuch, Weiden+Kennedy

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time, Remote
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Skill Level
English, Scottish
Creativepool member since 23 February 2018