About me

I am an Art Director with, um, quite a few years' experience
mainly gained in Recruitment Advertising. What the hell is
recruitment advertising
on a bit of a budget. During my years in the industry I've
to be creative with these tight budgets and with the even tighter
deadlines. Although work hasn't allowed me to work with the most
expensive photographers or go to the most glamourous locations,
I'd still like to think I can create arresting concepts and
visuals. I enjoy conceptualising, collaborating, designing,
illustrating...er, and sometimes I quite like a bit of Powerpoint,
shouldn't of mentioned that should I
In my last job I was looking after a department of roughly 12
souls, depending on seasonal influx of freelancers. During this time I
enjoyed being the adviser, sounding board, enforcer and protector to
the other creatives. I feel this experience has helped me take greater
control on projects and nurse delicate egos. I have taken part in both
big and small pitches, with the same determination to do good work and
hopefully win.
In the future I'd like to work on great work with some nice
- big budgets not necessary.

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Tagged Job Titles
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time
london, London, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight, Senior, Director
Creativepool member since 31 January 2010