About me

Hello, my name is Rebekha Karlis. I'm an easygoing, hard working, creative person, who is ready to jump into the world of work.

I have recently finished my final year at the University of Wolverhampton studying my bachelors in Animation. I have strong skills in a number of programs such as: Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe audition, Adobe encore, adobe image ready, Adobe premiere pro, Macromedia flash MX, Corel Painter IX, ToonBoom studio V3.0. I specialise in mostly 2D animation aimed at younger children. I am open to new learning experiences and love to get my hands into anything that is new and inspiring.

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Tagged Job Titles
Perm, Temp-Perm, Part time
Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight
Creativepool member since 19 June 2007