About me

I'm a self sufficient videomaker that can see a brief from conception to delivery without the need to outsource. Software capabilities include but not limited to: Animate, After Effects, Audtion, Premiere, Photoshop, Final Cut & Logic Pro.

For animated projects, I create my own storyboards and radioplays, so can thus provide an accurate animatic if a client requires. I create my own visual and sound effects from scratch, and so a budget allocated for procurement of resources with me is not required. I also shoot my own stock photo and video resources.

I'm in the process of writing my first screenplay, and am also embarking upon the initial character / world development for an animated TV series (both written and to be directed by me). I'm always on the lookout for collaborators, be it on the writing or artwork side of life, so please get in touch with your showreel if you would be interested in working with me on either of these exciting projects.

I also dabble in voice acting (all my own projects so I don't have a reel, but can produce on request), music audio and video production - trying to move away from music videos as I became a bit pigeon-holed in recent years, but am happy to consult on any such endeavours.

Thanks for checking out my work, I look forward to future collaborations.


Animation, Editing, Flash, Illustration, Media Buying, Production, Sales, Video, Video-Journalism

Sector Experience

Advertising, Broadcasting, Business Management, Marketing, New Media, Streaming



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Tagged Job Titles
Perm, Freelance
Bushey, Herts, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Creativepool member since 30 March 2015