About me

My design studies began when I was very young, I found myself paying attention to logos and fonts I would see. I remember the logos of Pepsi, Apple and Quiksilver always catching my eye. At home I would try to reproduce these logos on my own, unbeknownst to me my appreciation of design had begun.
At 10 years old my grandmother and I designed and built a miniature model airport. In this project I started to take note of the most minute details. We conducted intensive research into airport design to make ours as realistic as we could. Signage was something that we had worked on for quite some time to get it right. Runway and taxiway numbers, lines, lights and even the ground support equipment which was made from paper, all had to be correct.

Throughout high school I was producing music and dj'ing. I learned that my favorite aspect of this was the graphics for the music and events, but the idea of focusing solely on design did not occur to me at this point.

I still only had broad ideas of what I wanted to follow in university. I knew I wanted to be creative in some way but I didn't know how. After following music and business classes I was a bit lost. By chance I enrolled for intro to computer graphics and very quickly realised this was where I was supposed to be.


Art Direction, attention to detail, Brand / Logo Design, Branding, Content Management, Digital Marketing, Editorial Design, Project Design, Publishing, Social Media, Typography, Visual Layout

Sector Experience

layout, Tyography

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Looking for work
Tagged Job Titles
Perm, Freelance, Part time, Remote
Aliso Viejo, CA, United States
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight
Creativepool member since 14 February 2024