About us

We provide global services core to packaging and the areas it touches.

We make design work harder for your brand by enhancing product utility and reducing environmental impact.

Our four stage process is end to end from concept to consumer.

1. Foresight: Insights driven innovation

2. Precycling: Redefining how packaging works with your value chain

3. Equity: Virtual packaging management

4. Delivery: Compliance management

The company’s philosophy is to partner with clients to reveal their brand promise, delivering results that benefit their business and the environment.

>< transforms packaging from an unwanted cost to a value driven innovation. We simply work with smart creativity to design packaging in tune with your value chain which means you sell more and save more.

>< has offices in UK, Belgium, USA, India and Hong Kong offering clients a truly Global reach.

>< The Future of Global Packaging


FORESIGHT - Insights, Strategy, Ideation, Creation, Validation, PRECYCLING - Scoping, Process modeling, Optimization, Design & Analysis, EQUITY - IT systems for global execution and control, and DELIVERY - Supplier management, Compliance, Reporting results

#21 Ranked Packaging Agency
Currently No Client Rating
51-100 People
Creativepool member since 6 April 2017