About me

Dear Gemini Search Consultant,

I am an experienced brand strategist with a strong creative eye and a solid understanding and empathy for executional details. I am creative and practical, keen to learn and passionate about mentoring others.

Having worked on both agency and client side, I enjoy and am confident evaluating and developing creative work. I have managed campaigns across a variety of media across the line for a wide variety of clients - from blue chip and government through to start-ups - on an international level. My experience and on-the-job training compliments my educational background.

I am looking for a fresh new challenge in a collaborative and creative environment which understands the value of branding to the bottom line, in a senior or consultant role, with an opportunity to work across a variety of brands.

I look forward to hearing from you - with regards to this or a similar role which you are seeking to match.

With best wishes,


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Looking for work
london, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 21 April 2015