About me

Hello! I'm a polish-born illustrator and graphic designer with a passion for printmaking, currently residing and working from East London.

Born in 1980, I spent my adolescent years traveling, studying, partying and doodling relentlessly. In 2001, after concluding that Architecture is not a career I'd like to pursue further, I took a decision to move to UK. First 3 years I spent in Edinburgh and later I settled in London, where eventually I graduated from University of East London with First Class BA (Hons) in Illustration and Printmaking. While at Uni my sweat and tears were rewarded twice with: 2012 UEL Print Olympics FabPad Prize and 2013 Thames Barrier Print Studio Printmaking Student Award.

Since graduating in 2013, I was busy designing and screen printing for my own ethical and ecological clothing brand 10tacled, but also freelancing occasionally with a range of international clients (New Scientist, Monokoto, Art Brut, The Rifffs). In 2015, I became involved in designing jewellery for a startup brand Magpie's Loot, which successful collaboration later led me to design their brand identity and web presence. ​In 2017, I teamed up with two other local designers (Magpie's Loot and Verry Kerry) to open Bamboo & Bee, an artist-led boutique and studio in Bethnal Green, in the heart of London's East End.

Last year (2019), rather than having a finger in every pie, I decided to focus 100% on my illustration career, since drawing (or visual problem solving) is something that makes me genuinely happy. I'm currently very lucky to work with various breweries, as beer label design was something that I admired since the craft beer revolution started, and as my friend put it looking at one of my designs: "Whenever you get depressed, remember that you draw flying pigs for a living!"

When it comes to work, despite being proficient in digital ways (Adobe Suite, HTML), my preferred weapon of choice is always pen and ink. Even though I spend countless hours glued to the screen working on Photoshop or Illustrator, what really makes me tick is to get absolutely filthy with inks while screen printing and etching or draw some blood while lino-cutting!

What I'd like to do next. I would love to illustrate few album covers or music posters, a book cover would definitely be something that I'd never say no to, I have tried editorial in the past and really enjoyed it, but my ultimate goal must be a children's picture book. It is something that has been on the back of my head for the past 10 years, since I've got kids. I've always spent countless hours drawing with my kids and relearning from them how to draw freely and carelessly, a skill that many adults loose when they grow up. I also believe that a good kid's book is the best teaching tool and therefore a real privilege for the author, as we all remember our favourite first books for the rest of our lives!


Art Direction, Brand / Logo Design, Branding, Cartooning, Character Design, children's books, Digital Art, drawing, Editorial Design, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Icon Design, Illustration, Jewelry Design, Packaging, Packaging Design, Painting, Pattern Design, Photoshop, Print Design, printmaking, screen printing, Storyboarding, Street Art, surface design, Typography, Visual Layout

Sector Experience

Advertising, Arts, Books & Periodicals, Branding, Communications, Creative Services, editorial, Magazines & Comics, Packaging, Publishing


3x3 International Illustration Annual 2022 - Merit, A'Design Award 2022 Gold, ADC 101st Annual Awards 2022 - Shortlist in Illustration, Applied Arts Illustration Award 2022, Communication Arts Award of Excellence 2022, Creativepool Annual Gold, Creativepool Annual People\'s Choice, Creativepool Annual Silver, Thames Barrier Print Studio Printmaking Student Award, UEL Print Olympics FabPad Prize, World Illustration Awards 2021 (AOI) - Longlisted


Allendale Brewery, Boot Beer Brewery, Craftndraft, Home & Kitchen, Knoll, Magpies Loot, Marc Krusin Ltd, Monokoto, myBuilder.com, New Scientist, Redchurch Brewery, Six Pack Beer Club

Trade Associations

association of illustrators, Directory of Illustration

#6 Ranked Illustrator
From 3 Recommendations
Looking for work
studiopro:Martin was verified as a studiopro on 31st May 2021
Annual 2021 SilverBeer Labels for Allendale BreweryIllustration Annual 2021 GoldFurniture Illustrations for Marc KrusinIllustration Annual 2021 People's ChoiceFurniture Illustrations for Marc KrusinIllustration
Top 25 Illustrator Project featured:Wild Lands Project Beer Label
on 8th April 2020
Project featured:Beer Growler Sticker Design for Craftndraft
on 9th April 2020
Project featured:Black Grouse Beer Label for Allendale Brewery
on 13th April 2020
Project featured:Viking T-Shirt Design for Boot Beer Brewery
on 16th April 2020
Project featured:The Geometry of Living - Towers
on 21st April 2020
Project featured:Medusa t-shirt design for 10tacled Clothing
on 21st April 2020
Project featured:Linocut Editorial Illustrations
on 4th May 2020
Project featured:Adidas Elements Concept Art for Ad Campaign
on 17th October 2020
Project featured:Beer Labels for Allendale Brewery
on 28th May 2021
Project featured:Furniture Illustrations for Marc Krusin
on 21st June 2021
Project featured:Six Pack Beer Club Logo Design and Branding
on 1st July 2021

Martin Reznik has been a Contributor since 21st July 2021.

Invite x3
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time, Remote
L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight, Senior
English, Polish, Italian
Creativepool member since 23 July 2010