Global Event and Excursions Photographer


  • Remote  
  • Company
    Start date
    Within 1-3 months  
    2-5 days  
    $250 to 300 per day  
  • Closing date
    15 June 2024  
    Posted on
    15 May 2024  

PhotoTap is looking for photographers to join our team. The job involves basic event photography for large corporate and incentive events, typically including daytime excursions. Most assignments require both international and domestic travel depending on where you live. You will be provided with our equipment and technology, and no post-production work will be necessary.


Typical assignments with PhotoTap are 5 days long, require 5 to 6 hours a day of your time, and offer up to a $1,500/week pay rate. Including expenses for a full workweek. Additionally, you’ll stay at some of the finest hotels in the world. 


You should have a basic understanding of capturing events, from effective storytelling to directing attendees to make their pictures stand out. Ideally, you should have experience with at least 3-5 events. However, if you have not shot events before or are new to photography and want to break into the global corporate photography circuit, I encourage you to apply.

To apply, please visit our website. Then follow instructions until you arrive at "How did you hear about PhotoTap?" You will select "other" and write "I am responding to Yale's post on Creativepool".

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