About me

I have been working as a graphic designer for just over 7 years. In that time, I have worked for a wide range of clients, from Warner Music and the BBC, to public sector clients, such as the Office of Fair Trading, the Environment Agency and the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

I am able to think quickly and enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of coming up with new ideas. I am a devil for detail, and have strong layout, illustration and Photoshop skills.
I am fluent in the usual design packages (currently working in CS4), and know my way around web standards, such as Dreamweaver, CSS, Flash and Action Scripting.

I am very hard-working, friendly and easy to get along with. I work well art-directing photoshoots and illustrators, and I am able to strongly work a brief from conceptual stages through to artwork. I also make a mean cup of tea!

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Looking for work
London, London, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 23 November 2010