About me

Following the last 4 years working as an designer in advertising, retail and horticulture, I have rapidly acquired many new design and marketing skills.

I studied all aspects of Advertising at university where I developed many creative skills, idea generation techniques and self taught myself design software. I am always looking to improve my creative output through workshops, advice and experience.

The creative industry notably in design and advertising are perfect for me. Not only as it adheres to my strong points, as I more than willing to learn and hone in on my techniques. On a personal level, design completely engages me in my work, as I really enjoy the projects I have been set and the tasks I set myself.

You can often find me taking home the new skills I learned applying them to my own personal portfolio, or perhaps following an online tutorial.

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Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 25 July 2010