About me

I'm a published fashion and beauty photographer, producing both editorial and commercial content for publication and clients.

I have a wide variety of experience working as part of a creative team and can develop a concept, taking it through the creative cycle from beginning to end, to produce high quality imagery which grabs attention.

On set you'll find that I am very relaxed and work in a manner which ensures everyone has fun but gets the job done at the same time.

I work with agencies and directly with brands and especially like it when clients collaborate with me on ideas.

I'm a regular at London Fashion Week and can often be found backstage trying to stay out of the way but get shots that show the hectic pace of working backstage as anyone who has done it will tell you.

I'm always looking to collaborate with other creatives as well as take on a variety of commercial fashion and beauty work.


advertising photography, Beauty Photography, Celebrity Photography, commercial photography, Creative Direction, editorial photography, fashion photography, Photography, Photoshop, portrait photography

Sector Experience

commercial photography, Creative Services, Photography

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Project featured:Rhapsody on a Tale of Bohemia
on 23rd May 2022
Project featured:Papillon - The Butterfly
on 9th August 2022

Geoff Nichols has been a Contributor since 11th February 2022.

Invite x3
London, United Kingdom
Skill Level
English, French
Creativepool member since 4 February 2022