About us
During 27 years, DM9DDB makes campaigns that are part of popular culture and generate results for clients. Campaigns that are recognized nationally and internationally, from bar table to Cannes Festival.
But in 2016, be an incredibly creative agency is not enough. So DM9 decided to reinvent itself.
In an age where clients want more for less, and is necessary to talk to each specific person and have more measurable results, the agency chose combine Big Data and Creativity.
We believe that every great campaign reflects a human truth. And this truth can not come from a belief or a guess, must be grounded in data.
This is the new DM9. The first big agency Data Driven in Brazil.
An agency that uses data to understand the audience and reach accurate insight. To deliver the most incredible ideas, by correct channels and to the people who matter.
DM9DDB the same creativity then ever, now with the assertion that only a Data Driven agency can deliver.
Sector Experience
- 17 Caboré Awards including 6 times as Agency of the Year, - 2 Grand Prix at El Sol Festival, - 3 Grand Prix at The New York Festivals, - 5 Grand Prix at Festival Internacional de Publicidade do Rio de Janeiro – Advertising Brazilian Association (ABP), - 5 Grand Prix at FIAP - Iberian-American Advertising Festival, - 7 Grand Prix at El Ojo de Iberoamerica, - Elected 6 times as “One of the Best Companies in Brazil” by Carta Capital Magazine, - Grand Prix at Clio Awards besides 50 trophies, - The only AdAgency elected 4 times “The best company to start a career” by S/A Magazine, - We are the first Brazilian agency that won GP and Agency of The year at Cannes Lions, nowadays we already accumulated four tim
BRF, Chocolates Brasil Cacau, Cisco, Easy Taxi, Fanta ( AMBEV - Soft drink), Fusion (AMBEV energy drink), H2OH!, Itau Bank, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson - Adulto, Johnson & Johnson - BandAid, Johnson & Johnson - Carefree, Johnson & Johnson - Clean & Clear, Johnson & Johnson - Hipoglós, Johnson & Johnson - Johson’s baby, Johnson & Johnson - Neutrogena, Johnson & Johnson - o.b, Johnson & Johnson - ROC, Johnson & Johnson - Sempre Livre, Johnson & Johnson - Sundown, Kopenhagen, Lipton ( Ambev +Pepsico), Perdigão, Soda ( AMBEV - Soft drink), Telhanorte, Tok&Stok, Valor Econômico (newsspaper), Walmart

on 13th December 2016 Project featured:He Knows too much
on 13th January 2017 Project featured:Clean & Clear
on 11th April 2023