About me

The conception of a new idea, the accomplishment of a creator's invention or simply the writing of an article; all of these actions embody a collective meaning: to become and be an individual, an original and differential.

With this kind of approach: 'aspirations to be unique' it is difficult to be original or differentiate in any kind of way, because of the idea in the first place containing a repetitive character.

During my education and work experience, I have understood one thing. Design, is not a profession and definitely is not style; it is the representation of a thought and its realization; it is the work or the technical labor, one which we administer as a 'Profession'.

It is very important to firstly strive to complete the ideas that are beneficial to others, than the ones would make 'you' individual. For this reason, such people as 'designer-artists' exist; to not only carry out their own ideas, but to materialize others ideas through their talent and technique.

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Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Part time
London, Great London, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Englis, Russian
Creativepool member since 15 February 2013