About me

My name is FIONA RYAN a graduate INTERACTIVE & VISUAL DESIGNER raised in Brisbane, Australia but born right here in the UK.

As part of my Bachelor of Creative Industries at the QUT I majored in Interactive & Visual Design. During my second and third years I was involved in a CI Project with other CI students of different disciplines as well as participating in two internships in those respective years. The works contained within this portfolio are the results of hours of dedication and enjoyment: I hope they demonstrate the varied skills, knowledge and techniques I obtained during that time.

I'm currently based in London, having moved to one of the biggest cities in April 2014. I'm currently looking to jump right in from the starting block towards a design career that engages people in unique and interesting ways through multiple design avenues and explores the depths of people, products, ideas and the connections between them. If you see potential please feel free to contact me.


app design, Brand / Logo Design, Branding, Print Design, Typography, Web Design, Web Development

Sector Experience

Arts, Books & Periodicals, Charity / Not for profit, Design, Fine Art, Painting & Sculpture, Government, Interactive, Marketing, Publishing

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Creativepool member since 27 May 2015