About me

I am currently finishing my Computer Aided Product Design master's dissertation at the Bolton University in the United Kingdom, although I am already a graduate product designer by the Escola Superior de Artes e Design, a Portuguese University, and have also collaborated with the École National Supérieur de Création Industriel, a French University, under the Erasmus interchange programme. The fact that my design studies have taken place in three different countries is the result of my determination to improve myself as a designer. In addition, these experiences have given me the opportunity to gain a wider approach about design and have made me a more adaptable person. These international experiences have also made me fluent in French, Spanish, English and of course Portuguese.

I have worked in the Ateliers Dinand, a French Beauty Products Design Agency, where I have developed work for several commonly known brands such as Lacoste and Dolce & Gabanna among others. In Portugal I have worked for the Além do Risco, a Graphic Design Studio, where I have develop catalogues and logos and I'm currently working as a freelance designer for Paulo Coelho, a lighting company in Portugal.

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Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time
Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Portugal
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight
Portuguese, English, French, Spanish
Creativepool member since 13 March 2008