About me

An expert on how people make choices and consumer behavior. Author of "The Business of Choice -- Marketing to Consumer's Instincts"​ published by Pearson/Financial Times in February 2015, and winner of Sales & Marketing Books "Marketing Book Of The Year 2016", and cowinner of the American Marketing Association's Berry Book Award.

Book summary:

Discover how humans naturally make decisions - and use that knowledge to make your business or brand a natural choice.

Whether your objective is to grow a brand or promote healthy behaviors, you need a deep understanding of how humans intuitively make choices using cognitive mechanisms that have evolved over millions of years. Fortunately, dramatic recent advances in neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and the behavioral and social sciences are revolutionizing the way we understand human decision-making. The Business of Choice doesn't just reveal what's been learned: it shows how to use these insights to make your brand or behavior the most instinctive, intuitive, and easiest choice.

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Top 100 Influencer of the Year 2017
San Francisco, United States
Creativepool member since 5 February 2017