About me

I am a creative thinker that has the ability to utilise my idea into a variety of situations from illustration to product design. After studying graphic design for 5 years and completing my degree with a 2.1. As I have only recently left my course I am still in the mind-set to create extravagant ideas but still have the ability to scale down to fit a client's budget. This has led me to be chosen for two separate client briefs during my courses in graphic design.

I have come to the realisation that I prefer to use a combination of both traditional and contemporary practices to complete my work and bring it to life. I also strive in environments of pressure of deadlines and they push me to work even harder. My overall goal is to expand my knowledge of different practices, I believe this can happen by moving up the ranks of a company that encourages creativity.


adobe creative suite, Advertising, Branding, Creative Direction, Illustration, Product Design

Sector Experience

Advertising, Branding, Graphic Design


Interserve PLC, Solihull Touchwood

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Freelance
Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Creativepool member since 21 June 2016