Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 results



The next frontier - The rise of NFTs in retail

Great news: according to The Collins Dictionary, NFT was the word of 2021, which means there now exists a go-to way to explain these elusive virtual tokens to your grandparents... Defined as “a unique digital certificate, registered in a...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


5 creative career paths that didn’t exist 20 years ago #PurposeMonth

As demand for creative roles booms across a variety of industries, The Interaction Design Foundation, the world’s leading online design school, reveals five creative career paths to explore that never existed before. With the introduction of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Monetising the metaverse | #PredictionsMonth

There’s been a lot said about the metaverse over the last few years and, let’s be honest, little of it has been resolutely positive, at least as far as Facebook and Mr Zuckerberg are concerned. But there are companies out there looking to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Best NFT markets 2022 - The top 3 to watch

After releasing the first non-fungible tokens (so-called NFT) the world of cryptocurrency but also art are not the same. It completely changed how we look at pieces of art, collectibles, and many popular culture assets, like investments or memes on...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


The NFT football kit for Southampton FC | #BehindTheBrand

Southampton FC recently launched three unique NFTs inspired by its kit design, created by London-based brand and experience design studio ShopTalk/DEPT in collaboration with Formidable and Southampton FC. The NFT kit designs suggest a new,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Luxury that lasts: Six tenets for timelessness

From business models to branding, ideas of luxury are shifting rapidly. Keeping up with tech, anticipating sector developments and being part of cultural conversations are only a handful of essentials for luxury brands who wish to sustain the...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


Hospitality and the Metaverse | #PurposeMonth

For the last twelve years, Matter Of Form have had the privilege to deliver exceptional brand and digital experiences to some of the very best luxury brands in the global travel and hospitality sector. And we have got to know the dedicated tribe who...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


A copywriter’s take on copyrighter and digital ownership

Ownership is one of the fundamental principals of capitalism. It’s also something that has become significantly less tangible in the digital age, as everything from our entertainment to our work has been turned into ones and zeros. In such an...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Raiding Putin’s NFT art collection to help Ukraine

For months now people have been telling me that NFTs are the future and I still don’t see it. The concept is solid but has anyone really done anything exciting or important with it yet? Well, colour me wrong, as it would appear one recent...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Going with the virtual flow - Top marketing trends of 2022

The marketing industry is always evolving and, as a result, the average consumer expects more and more each year. Every day, a new idea is put through its paces to entice customers and encourage them to make a purchase. The brands that refuse to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Next generation marketing: how to play in the Metaverse

A new digital era is on the horizon as the metaverse evolves from sci-fi concept into reality. While online channels have been the driving force of connectivity between businesses and consumers over the past couple of years, many are now...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Descending into the Metaverse - 5 creative trends for 2022

Trends. That’s right, it’s that time of the year again where we all become wannabe soothsayers and cast our minds as far forward as possible to escape the gaping maw of sadness that is the present. 2021 has not exactly been a banner...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Aural sculpture - Shaping the virtual sounds of the future

In 2021, amp predicted a rise in investment in audio branding and audio-focused content. As many brands shifted to more immersive digital storytelling and e-commerce, the role of sound in branding across all industries has significantly changed. New...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is the metaverse and why should brands take it seriously?

For many, the term ‘metaverse’ probably conjures up images of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One, Tron, or Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner-but there is much more to dissect here. The future of experience - 'The Metaverse' As we...

Posted by: Imagination


Would you buy a meme for $560,000?

If you love kittens and have been around the internet for a while, you know about cryptocurrency and the rise of NFTs. Spelled out as Non-Fungible Tokens, NFTs are a new form of bitcoin that is being discussed extensively in the creative industry and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Global creative calendar: July 2021

As our world continues to shapeshift, some longstanding business and cultural gatherings are inviting us back in person. And still, the trend of innovative online events remains a massive learning opportunity, where access continues to surge. Simply...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Global creative calendar: June 2021

According to BCH Henderson Institute’s Chairman Martin Reeves and Rhodes Scholar Jack Fuller, imagination is crucial for “seizing and creating new opportunities, and finding new paths to growth.” Their forthcoming book “The Imagination...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency

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