Zara Picken Illustrator


I was commissioned to create a series of illustrations for Bulletin magazine, the official publication for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT). 

These illustrations were used as a cover/opener and across spreads for a feature about dysphagia and mental health. Dysphagia is the medical term for swallowing difficulties, which can lead to choking. It is prevalent among adults with mental health conditions, especially in psychiatric settings. However, there is a widespread lack of awareness of this and dysphagia needs can be ‘overshadowed’ by a mental health diagnosis. 

The article goes on to talk about how speech and language therapists should share information and experiences, to strengthen the networks of therapists working in the area of dysphagia and mental health.

© Zara Picken 2022


Project featured: on 8th April 2022 Contributor:

Zara Picken has been a Contributor since 25th November 2015.

Invite x3

Bulletin - Dysphagia and Mental Health

