Winona Freelance Graphic Designer


The Guide Dogs Charity is a British charitable organisation founded in 1934. The Association helps blind and partially-sighted people through the provision of guide dogs.

Working closely with the Guide Dogs Charity on redesigning and updating the brands presence and user experience online. We came up with a complete set of Social Media guidelines and designs for the charity to follow after carefully analysing all analytical data specifically from the Guide Dogs social media accounts. Our main key focus includes in-depth best practices on how best to design for Social Media, different types of posting as well as how to post correctly whilst getting the best from organised and sponsored posts.

After finishing the main social media report we were tasked to re-design each individual
in-house Guide Dogs campaign, such as Lucky Lottery Raffle and Sponsor a Puppy.
We redesigned and provided 5 separate sets of brand guidelines and design assets for each individual campaign creating a the memorable and recognisable brand for each.


Project featured: on 4th January 2023

Guide Dogs Charity

