In Russia, lethal weapons are either forbidden or their sale is strictly regulated. However, there is no law to control the sale of another deadly weapon that all of us can access. Widespread and powerful, it causes numerous deaths on a daily basis.
Over 90% of all plastic ever produced has not been recycled. Аnd when it was not recycled it turned into a weapon. Bottles, packs, earsticks. tubes and all of the plastic products every day turn from helpers to killers, but the hands in this blood are still our hands, hands of all humanity.

A machine gun-like weapon made of disposable plastic appears in a gun shop. Different people visit it looking for a suitable weapon. There’s one that fits everyone’s needs — the one that can be used to “even get a whale”: it’s a “machine gun” created out of disposable plastic items and packaging that are the most frequent environment pollutants. Besides, as a part of the wide-scale campaign we have developed prints aimed at raising awareness of the situation.

We want to talk with people about plastic, we want to show that using such things requires responsibility, we want to explain that all of us take part in this process day by day and we need to stop.


  • Alena MorozovaClient
  • Artem FilimonovClient
  • Daria MansurovClient
  • Dmitriy LosevClient
  • Greenpeace RussiaClient
  • Marat ArutunovClient
  • Maryam AkhunovaClient
  • Mikhail SinelshchikovClient
  • Natalia KasumovichClient
  • Olga NikolichClient
  • Olga RostotskayaClient
  • Wanslez QuaresmaClient
  • Yuri KorobovClient
  • * Vladilen SitinkovClient
Annual 2020 JudgeApplication Project featured: on 10th October 2020

A Regular Weapon

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