About me

"Missing Mom"

A memory that whispers, a hurt that screams.
I like to sleep because you're there in my dreams.

Larger than life but cought on a breeze.
You're an echo from the past..e wind in the trees.

Wanting you back for my own selfish needs.
My heart crys as my eyes bleed.

I think of you allot..me things don't change.
Catching glimps of you in my face feels strange.

Being with you are the memories I hold.
Trying to remember all the stories you told.

Feeling so lonely, I'm not liking this!
With people around..''s you that I miss.

When you were here, you were forgotten allot.
If I could have you back I'd give up what I got.

I thought you were boring. I had things to do.
Now alls I know is that I'm missing you.

The way that I treated you, that's what I hate.
I would take it all back but now it's too late.

I WANT TO SEE YOU! As I cry out loud.....
Is that you

Can you see me
Are you around when I imagine you near

I need you mom..

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Mumbai, India
Creativepool member since 28 September 2016