UCL London


Following insights from our initial user research and stakeholder workshops we formed the user journey flows for viewing & editing personal details as well as managing/accepting annual leave for both the staff member and their manager.The prototypes contained multiple routes to ensure the user could explore the new designs in a natural and realistic way.
With the homepage, we focused on simplifying the IA of the platform compared to the current experience found on Oracle, we made sure a user could distinguish the different areas of the application, through clear signposting. We also helped to define the different types of notifications a user would receive on both their desktop and mobile experience.
During our staff interviews for the current system, we found that often staff weren’t confident in saving their changes to the system.We tackled this in the new designs by using different states of the form fields to distinguish viewing vs editing and providing a clear review step and saving confirmation.
We refined the approval process for the manager by simplifying the dialogue they viewed, additional features meant they could comment when declining a request and overall de-cluttering compared to the legacy system.
As part of the project, we built a component library containing both complex and flexible components & variants. This was achieved by creating 15 highly flexible and efficient components, and defining set styles, we were able to create 100+ pages across 3 breakpoints. Thanks to Figma's auto-layout, most component containers were set to fill and thus functioned well across the different screen sizes.
We established a changelog page where details on changes to the design library can be recorded so that there is a single place to reference. This is useful for other designers and developers on the project to keep up to date with changes.



