Tom Head of UI & Content


Your Style: Sorted is a new campaign we’ve launched at Topman. It features a five model shoot showing different style personas and asks the viewer to take a quiz to see four trends for AW15 tailored to them.

Credits: Models: Danny at D1, Kane at AMCK, Lucas at IMG, Ashton at AMCK, Freddie at Nevs. Lead designer: Robert Higgs, designers: Robyn Hislop and Alex Auld, quiz and persona development: Daniel Copley and Lauren Terry, all copy and quiz content: Daniel Copley, campaign manager: Guillaume Brocart, digital director: Gareth Rees-John, photographer: Tyler Morris, stylist: Jamie Milroy, product selection: Luke Smith, hair and make up: Niki Black, producer Kellé Pearce, retouch: Joanna Bonguard, assistant stylist: Ally Tibbles, shoot assistant: Mollie Senior, quiz build: iProspect, display advertising design: EnjoyRelax, display buying, Maxus, art direction: Tom Lancaster.


  • TopmanClient
  • * TomArt Director

Who pooled - Your Style: Sorted