Tim Wallace Photographer


Capturing Legends

"It was a cold autumn morning when I arrived at the studio and as I started cabling out ready for lighting I considered the task ahead as we awaited the arrival of some of the most well-known and beautiful cars that Ferrari ever created.
Over the course of that week we got to know each curve and body angle of these iconic cars and crafted our lighting to capture their essence. I always have believed that it is easy to photograph a car to show what it looks like, however the real skill and challenge is to photograph it to show you how it makes you feel in your soul when you look at it.

We had our challenges to face as you do on any shoot of this nature but as the main lights were switched off and we started to sculpt the lighting around the first vehicle it was hard not to notice the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in anticipation of what was ahead in the coming week. For me there are many types of cars, all evoking different emotions within us, some are simply beautiful in their form, others are aggressive in their styling, and some are simply timeless and are still as stunning today as the day that they were first drawn by their designer."

Tim Wallace


  • V ManagementClient
Project featured: on 8th April 2021

Legends - Ferrari

