Oliver had been trying to validate pricing and benchmarking to what they do against an industry standard. "We know we are good value for money and that our prices are low relative to our competitors, said Oliver's Jason Bailis, \but we need that in real data and of course some analysis to confirm this’.

Oliver found Scope's data and professional services extremely valuable. On a scale of 1-10 they rated it a 9/10. "The fact that we can talk about real data, [from] a large data set. Collected by a reputable source and show that data to our client. It allowed us to have a negotiation based on solid data as opposed to you say, he says kind of stuff ... It really helped us align with the client, on what should be paid to us on the work.”, stated Oliver's Jason Bailis.

When asked about if there is a trust issue between agencies and clients, and whether greater transparency will improve things, Jason Bailis said, ‘Absolutely. I think companies should be competing with each other based on their ability to be efficient, their ability to get top talent, at a good rate. Whether it be local or distributed in other parts of the world, and that is where the companies should be competing. Methodologies, ways of working, technology and I think what Scope data allows us to do is show this and that we can be better than the competition in that endeavour."


The value of Scope’s deliverable-based benchmark data to Oliver.
