The Inside Story Tunbridge Wells


Martin Professional create stage lighting for theatre, concerts and performances of all types. They are industry leaders within the pro lighting world.
They wanted to create a campaign for their MAC Ultra light which used a creative way to spark conversation, while also covering its core USPs. The intention was to create buzz for their light which was the brightest professional light to date.
To meet this brief, The Inside Story suggested an aggressive approach to an advertising campaign that would go against industry norms and work across various media. This led to our concept of “Real Specs, Real Performance, None of the Bull”.
Using the scientific and social meme of a Venn diagram, we created a campaign across social and print media which highlighted the accuracy of the specifications and their real world delivery.
Print media was used alongside social campaigns and short videos and even blown up to form the basis of the Martin Professional booth at a major international trade show, with Martin using the hashtag #NoneOfTheBull.
The campaign was released in UK, DE, FR and UAE to client and critical acclaim.
The eye-catching yet simple design of the adverts have helped to remind end-users about the quality of Martin Professional lights and been a conversation starter that has helped to win the brand more business.


  • Martin ProfessionalClient

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