Roland Mouret tasked us with creating beautiful, real-time social media content to amplify the noise of the brand's 20th Anniversary show for AW17, themed around 'the look of love'. We played with this concept in multiple ways, identifying the many stages of love, from first love to tempestuous passion, platonic love to obsession, and distilled this into bite-sized content to be posted before, during and after the show. We produced cinematic, slow-mo videos of the models glancing off-screen backstage and created graphic text overlays inspired by Barbara Kruger (particularly apt with the women's protests happening at the time). The results? A surge in new followers and engagement across social channels but particularly on Twitter, where one post earned 942.69% more impressions than previous popular posts. The brand was also ranked in top five trending shows at London Fashion Week by Google Trends.


  • Roland MouretClient
Project featured: on 18th December 2017

20 Years of Roland Mouret

