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Online the new website of Terminal Loud Pictures, a Terminal SRL’s holding. Terminal is a production company, born in 2000 and located in Bologna, which is now celebrating its 20-year anniversary presenting an all-new release. The restyling of the site was accomplished during lockdown. This situation modified the productive structure of many industries such as Terminal, which is constantly working to renovate and confirm itself as Leading Company. The site focuses on Terminal’s identity: aesthetic, modern and endearing. We work everywhere with contacts, this is Terminal’s claim as well as the site’s structure. Terminal is an integrated production platform, an actual hub for connections that’s carefully organized in units.

Navigation is quick, easy and essential.

The content selection includes a lot of Terminal’s historical productions. This is an important characteristic because it underlines the on-going productivity and professionalism of a production company that counts over 500 production and numerous awards. Pictures are the main protagonists; Terminal’s reel in the homepage’s background underlines the power of images that become Loud Pictures, core of the company. The site’s sections present Terminal’s various units, showing both national and international productions, the latter managed by the Service Unit. Who comes to Italy from abroad for new productions, knows well that choosing to work with Terminal means efficiency and professionalism. Together with a new look comes also an expanded network: new directors and photographers from all over the world can be viewed in the WITH section. These new talents confirm Terminal as a production company able to scout and observe the panorama around it. Always searching with a careful look into the present and, with a strong and solid background, looks forward: towards the future.

Here's the website’s link: https://www.terminalproduction.com/

CREDITS: Digital Product Designer, Pino Ceniccola
